White Creek Apartments

I was accepted into A&M and I’ve been thinking of trying for the White Creek apartments. I don’t mind the distance from everything, but I just want to hear anyone’s opinion on the apartments. I’ll probably apply for a 4 person apartment.
Are the walls very thin so I’ll be able to hear all my roommates? Is it generally a quiet area or are the other people in the apartment usually loud? (I’m kind of sensitive to noise at night and early in the mornings). Is it hard to get into these apartments? Etc, please tell me your overall experience or what you heard others say about their experience, thank you :slight_smile:

I’m curious, too. Thanks for posting! I was also wondering how students pick roommates?

Did you see that there is a new community center with a dining hall opening right next to white creek apartments? It looks really cool: https://reslife.tamu.edu/white-creek-community-center/

From what I have heard, White Creek fills up pretty fast. However, I hear that the single rooms are available the longest (probably because they are the more expensive option). I am considering applying for housing there too, my only concern is that it is in west campus, 3ish miles away from main campus, which is where most freshman classes are. I might hold off applying there until I am in upper division classes because a lot of my classes will be in the Agriculture and Life Sciences building which is near White Creek.

OMG @trish02 I just looked at the video for the new community center and it looks really nice! I think it’s awesome that there will be dining since White Creek is far from main campus.

@trish02 I just looked into the community center and it looks amazing

@fivsmajor do you know how fast spots will fill up? I applied for housing yesterday and I hope I’ll still have a chance

@JJ7373 the two bedroom apartments fill up the fastest. If you are applying for a four-person you should be okay, especially this early on in the game

@JJ7373 @trish02 My son is a freshman living in White Creek this year and loves it. He has never ridden the bus; he prefers his bike which he says is at most a 10 minute ride into the other side of campus. Most of the apartments are the 4 bedroom variety, so if you submitted your housing within the priority window, I think you have a very good chance of getting a room in one of those. My son says it is very quiet most of the time, however, he has a 1 bedroom apartment so does not have to deal with suite mates. He knows a sophomore that went pot luck for roommates for a 4 bedroom/4 bathroom and she does have trouble with noise. In her case she is a studious /quiet type and the other 3 living in her apartment are freshman that like to party a lot and within the apartment the walls must be a lot thinner. You can fill out a roommate questionnaire which helps determine suitable roommates, so if you are going potluck, it would probably be a good idea to mark that quiet is really important to you to get similar suite mates. Also, they will have a web page open when it gets closer where you can choose your own roommates.

@fivsmajor White Creek has very few single apartments but every apartment has all single bedrooms within it, if that makes sense. The single apartments are mostly taken up with resident advisers and disability services, so there are very few left if any after that. As far as the distance, that certainly is the downside to White Creek but everything is trade offs. My son says he frequently has friends living in dorms on the other side of campus studying in his apartment because either they lost their internet (which has never been an issue for him at White Creek), or can’t deal with the noise of their dorm/roommate. Also, freshman are required to have a meal plan even living in White Creek which has a full kitchen in it. My son says the cafeterias on campus are pretty bland food and wouldn’t buy it if he didn’t have to. With that in mind he picked the absolute minimum meal plan and makes a lot of his meals in his own apartment. Another great advantage to his apartment is that he has a new washer and dryer all to himself, so doing laundry is not a chore for him at all.

If I remember correctly, after the 4 bedroom apartments, including both the 4 and 2 bath varieties, the next most common is the 2 bedroom 2 bath, singles, then 2 bed 1 bath, however I do not think there are that many 2 bedrooms either. Hope that helps.

@pbleigh Sorry, I meant single apartments instead of single rooms. My bad.

I had no idea that single apartments got their own washer and dryer. That is awesome. Thanks for sharing your son’s experience with White Creek. If I get into A&M I will definitely apply there. I would ideally like to have a one bedroom because I am definitely an introvert and I also study at all different hours.

Is there a reason why your son prefers biking over taking the bus? Is the system inefficient or unreliable?

@fivsmajor My son has never even tried the buses once so really has no basis for comparison. White Creek has their own bus service in and out of campus so I would imagine it is fairly convenient. We were told they run every 10 minutes but again I cannot confirm that because he doesn’t use them. He says that he would much rather take the 10 minutes to ride his bike then potentially wait for a bus; and then have his bike available right outside his class to ride to the next one.

All of the apartments at White Creek have their own washer/dryers and are furnished with bar stools at the islands, couch and chairs in the common room, full kitchen and bed/desk/dresser/night stand in each bedroom.

My son rode the buses everyday last year without problem. The only thing he ever mentioned regarding the buses is that the bus drivers do not wait for you so no need to run, lol.

@pbleigh and @Quirky813 thank you for your input!

Can someone tell me what if anything is provided in the white creek kitchens. OOS and wondering what I’ll need to provide. Thanks

Does the Blinn bus go to White Creek?

@cstattopoflist : I am not sure where the White Creek Apartments are located, but the TAMU to Blinn bus is #12. Check out the route online (at something like Aggie transportation) to see where it stops off campus. There are apartments located along its route but I don’t know which ones. My daughter lives in an apartment in the Northgate area and catches the bus to Blinn at one of its stops on the TAMU campus. Just a short walk for her.

Here is A&M Reslife webpage for White Creek. http://reslife.tamu.edu/options/apartments/whitecreek/

Here is an A&M map that will show you where everything is located. https://www.tamu.edu/map/index.html

Here is a link to A&M transportation bus routes. You can find which route runs from white creek to TAMU campus (White creek is a bit far from campus and not where the dorms are) and also if a bus runs from white creek to Blinn. It might be that your student catches the bus from White Creek to Campus then another from Campus to Blinn.

Click the bus at the top of the page to see all off and on campus routes.

Route 3 on Campus is from White Creek to MSC http://transport.tamu.edu/BusRoutes/Routes.aspx?r=03

Route 12 off Campus bus is from the Trigon main stop (a short walk from MSC) to Blinn. http://transport.tamu.edu/BusRoutes/Routes.aspx?r=12

@ggbucks plan on the kitchen appliances and nothing else. There wasn’t even an ice cube tray in the fridge, or a stopper in the sink. You’ll need to bring your own dishes, utensils, cooking pots, etc.

You can order items from Bed Bath and Beyond and pick them up at the store located in College Station instead of bringing everything with you.

Thanks for the info

Thank you @Thelma2 and @AggieMomAgain!

For Bed Bath and Beyond, you might have to go to your local store to order, not online. They give you a scanner to add items to your list and then they sit down and check the availability,etc. I think we did this about 6 weeks before my daughter moved into her apartment. Not sure if the whole process can be done online or not.

We also could have things delivered to our daughter’s apartment before she moved in and they held it in the package room, but she does not live in White Creek. So check with them on their policy.

It you can move in early, say on Thursday or earlier, that gets you ahead of the crowds and gives you a chance to catch your breath before starting all the activities during the week before classes start. Sorority recruitment begins on the weekend before the week before school starts.

Good luck, have fun!

I was just curious if there is a way of paying to have your white creek apartment cleaned or must it be done by the students living there?