<p>I don't know if this may sound silly, but I have a question that has never occurred to me before. I have a phone interview scheduled with a college for early February and I always thought it would be the school that would call until someone told me they had to call. So the question is who does the calling for telephone college interviews? Does it differ from school to school? There was no indication on the print out schedule sheet.</p>
<p>It depends. I didn’t actually want to interview so I did not set up any interviews myself. 2 out of the 8 colleges I applied to contacted me after I applied to set up an interview, the others expected applicants to contact them if they were interested in an interview. </p>
<p>The good news is that interviews are not very important at most colleges. They are not conducted by admission officials or faculty but by alumns of the college, and you don’t talk hardcore about a specific academic discipline but chat about the college and your interests and background in general. (I am stressing this because this is in contrast to admission interviews at European universities.) </p>
<p>Btw, the two interviews I was offered were not phone interviews but interviews at an alumn’s home or restaurant near the alumn’s home. I declined both of the interviews, and I was accepted at both colleges anyway.</p>