Who has a better shot? Please, read! =]

<p>There is a girl in my class who is (unfortunately) applying to a ton of the same schools as I will be, and I think she has a better shot. Since top schools will often only take one kid tops from a small school like mine, I’m concerned I won’t get into any of that schools that we both apply to. Is there any shot that a school might take me instead of her, or better yet, take both of us?</p>

<p>At the end of sophomore year, she was 2nd in the class and I was 8th. So she gets better grades than me, (our rank is based on weighted GPAs). BUT, by the time we graduate, she will have taken 4 AP courses and I will have taken 9, (3 online, and 6 at school). I will probably end up with a better rank than her after senior year, but the only rank that matters is the end of junior year, and I am pretty sure she will be higher than me… but no longer second. </p>

<p>Her testing is better than mine. 32 ACT, 2150 SAT… my scores were 31 ACT (retaking) and 2050 SAT, but I’m only sending ACT and she is retaking the SAT but not the ACT. I think she has some pretty good SAT2s as well.</p>

<p>She has great ECs, lots of theatre, singing, dancing and she has always been on student council and will have a leadership position on NHS. I have lots of leadership postions at school, but not in the normal “student council” form. I have tons of volunteer work as well, and I play a few sports and stuff.</p>

<p>I think our essays will end up being about the same level.</p>

<p>Feel free to be TOTALLY honest. Do you think there are any schools that would take me over her? Or do you think that is quite clear that she’s ahead? Do adcoms always notice that two kids are from the same school and take that into account? Or do you think they will judge me in relation to the whole, and not in relation to my classmates at my school?</p>

<p>I would love some input. THANKS FOR READING!!! I know it was long.</p>

<p>I’m a rising senior as well, and find myself having the same problem. The thing is, as I’m reading what you’ve written, it seems to weave around a lot. Some places she has you, and other places you’re better than she is. I guess you’re going to have to rely on the supposed holistic approach the people take to read the application, and think about how you can frame yourself better than she can overall. Does that help?</p>

<p>If you believe that she will take a spot from you, then she already has. No need to take another breath my friend. If you truly believe that she has you beat, then reality will reflect that. </p>

<p>In the greater scheme of things, I recommend that you forget your opponent and competition because it usually has a negative affect on how you will present yourself to the college admissions committee.</p>

<p>Pls. do not go in ALREADY feeling defeated. Your inferiority complex will be evident and you will not present yourself in the best light. </p>

<p>Do not let her win. Put in 1000% effort and most important FORGET That she exists and FEEL that you are the one among the few of the elites at your school. It will boast your confidence and you will get into the schools you want. You have to really believe it though, not just BS it…</p>

<p>What are your target schools? With selective colleges, they aren’t comparing students w/peers in the same school but in the same region.</p>

<p>Like the other poster said, don’t fixate on this single person. You’re frankly in a larger pool and the key is to present your best case within THAT context – not next to your classmate.</p>

<p>Haha, I am in the EXACT same position. I am applying to many of the same schools as my good friend, but I am also worried because she beats me in everything. I am 3rd, she is 2nd in class. I get a 2110 SAT, she gets a 2250. I do community service, she does more though Gril Scouts. Ugh, anyway, it will be close, but I think we are both pretty good, so I hope schools accept both. :P</p>

<p>Thanks everyone! Yeah, it would be awesome if we were both accepted. I would just be really discouraged if she made it in all the school that I don’t. My course load is, in my opinion, far more challenging. I have more than double the APs she has! And, if I get my ACT score up, I think our testing should be pretty close. All I can do is hope for the best, I guess. It’s just that I have opted for much more challenging courses, and I have taken all throughout high school math and science a year ahead of my other classmates, including her… so if it all goes unnoticed, it will of course be upsetting. I mean, I’m sure at least PART of the reason her grades are a little higher is because I take courses a year earlier than she does and I take advanced placement when she opts for honors, or even just forgoes a course all together.</p>

<p>Are you going for the same major?</p>

<p>If not, it will not matter. If for example you are bio and she is theater, then you will be looked at for different programs.</p>

<p>I think we will both go undecided but in humanities departments. It would be awesome if she was engineering and I was arts and sciences, but that’s not the case.</p>

<p>Don’t worry about it, in my small international high school, we always have the top 10% applying…well, EVERYWHERE… I think that most get accepted to their top choice school through ED/EA…if you have a school that you are particularly interested in, make sure you make it show!</p>

<p>Best of Luck!</p>

<p>thanks for the advice!</p>

<p>depends on colleges’ selectivity
also some colleges pick lot of students in one high school
i think u 2 r on same playing field since yur ranks r not much dif as of now, plus yur courseload make ups for yur lower grades/test scores than hers
also if u dont mind me asking, how do u take an ap online?</p>