<p>I recently heard this and was just interested to know is this was a universal thing.....
No worries here, Im just interested to know others people opinions about Kent.
I won't bite.</p>
<p>Kent is on the same tier as Loomis Chaffee, Westminster, and St. Andrews. It is definitely not a lesser school, but for some a match school.</p>
<p>Kent is not at all a "lesser school." I looked there, and I almost applied. (It simply was not a good match for me)</p>
<p>Some may consider it a second tier school in comparison to Exeter, SPS, Deerfield, etc. (I agree with you, MDog795.)</p>
<p>It isn't lesser, it isn't like SPS, Andover, Exeter, Deerfield (which I tend to think are the top 4) but it's a tier below</p>
<p>kent is world renowned.
to me,
its the best!</p>
<p>If you go to NYU, some students from Columbia think you are in a "lesser" school. If you go to Columbia, some students from Harvard think you are in a "lesser" school. If you are a millionaire, the multi-millionaires make you feel poor. If you are a multi-millionaire, the billionaires make you feel poor. </p>
<p>If you care about what others think and measure things on a relative stick, you will never be satisfied because someone will always have something "better." Just think about what a great school Kent is and how it is the best possible school for you.</p>
<p>It's obviously a lesser school when you only look at the numbers compared to schools like Andover, SPS, Deerfield, and Groton. However, that doesn't make it a bad school. Kent is an excellent place and you should be proud that you're going there.</p>
<p>Kent is a great school! one of the best in theworld in my book.but then again, I never understood this whole "tier-ing" thing. I mean c'mon what is this, a cake?</p>
<p>It's what a student does when they he/she gets there. Several years ago my nieces were waitlisted at all the 'top' schools. Deerfield, Andover, Exeter, etc, and rejected by St. Paul's.
They just graduated from Kent and are heading off to MIT in August with almost full rides.</p>
<p>Just because a school is less popular number-wise does not make it a "lesser" school in the eyes of colleges.</p>
<p>Ditto to all. Kent is a great school. It was on my son's list but didn't make the visit list only because we found some great fits first. He's attending another "lesser" school. LOL. As is keyleme's son, and Dazzlezzz, and Burb's son. Lesser in some people's mind, as Burb says. Perfect for us. </p>
<p>You have been so excited about Kent, Aussie, don't for a minute let what someone here says about it being a safety school for some get in the way of that. (I disagree that Kent is a safety school for anyone by the way).<br>
I'm sure 2 of my son's top choices are considered safety schools for some kids. It doesn't make them lesser schools.
I don't for one second think my son, you or any of the others I mentioned are getting an education that is any less what nelly, brooklyn's neice or any of the kids going to Andover, Deerfield and Exeter, etc are going to get. Different, but not "less."</p>
<p>People focus too much on how good a school's reputation is. There are really no "lesser schools." You can receive a good education from pretty much any boarding school. Who cares if you get to Harvard from Andover or a school like The Gunnery. While it is a different route, in the end both end up in the same place.</p>
<p>I think Kent is a very good school par on education with schools like Andover (And I am going there this fall). </p>
<p>But I don't think college admissions shows whether the school was good for you. In fact I believe going to Andover will diminish my chances at HYPSM because I won't stand out as much as a school with inferior students but Andover will still give me an awesome education. Basically I think I have a better chance at HYPSM from a inner-city public school then at Andover but Andover will teach and build me as a student and as a person much more then a inner-city public school.</p>
<p>And thats more important to me then the 'prestige' university.</p>
Who cares if you get to Harvard from Andover or a school like The Gunnery. While it is a different route, in the end both end up in the same place.
<p>I pity people who go to gunnery. No really.....ok so judge me</p>
<p>Hey, the Gunnery is an ok school. While it might not be like Andover, SPS, or Hotchkiss, its still a decent school. </p>
<p>P.S. I don't go there.</p>
<p>"I pity people who go to gunnery."
(sorry, don't know how to do the quote thing, lol)</p>
<p>Gunnery is actually a very good school athletically. While it's not excellent academically, many of its sports do flourish.</p>
<p>....what sports exactly. No one considers them an athletic powerhouse either</p>
<p>I also must agree with Linda S. We were very excited when my niece got into Kent, even though she chose not to go there. But the reasons were not criticisms of Kent, but just some things that were not right for her and us, such as more rural and farther from family. Same for NMH. Another great school...just some things that were not the best for her and us.</p>
<p>Even though I am going to be an Andover parent (more technically, parent-equivalent, but that gets to be a long story), I am still a big booster of many other schools. What is right for one student, may be completely wrong for another. </p>
<p>Almost all of the schools discussed on this board offer amazing educations. Students are going to have a huge number of opportunities, and should take advantage of them, wherever they will be attending.</p>
<p>Is Kent that religious? I might have a problem there since I'm Jewish lol if I apply late.</p>
<p>MDog795: are you applying late for Fall of 2008? If you are, you need to have applications in ASAP, if they are not already. The number of openings for schools at this point in time is extremely limited. Have you contacted schools to check on openings? Taken the SSAT? Given recommendation forms to teachers? I don't mean to sound negative, but the application process can be very time consuming!</p>