<p>Since some private colleges require it (Including three on my list) even for transfers, I was wondering who is planning on taking it and when. </p>
<p>I'm going to go for it in December and pray that I get at least a 1920.
( I am also taking the SAT II in Hebrew for good measure.)</p>
<p>(I took the old SAT in High School and got a 1320, ....but the colleges that I am considering said that I couldn't use it for the requirement. WAH!)</p>
<p>i'm taking it again in december. only one of the schools i'm applying to requires it, but my old scores were so miserable i need to take it for all of them anyways. (old scores-700v 450m) i want to get my math score up to at least a 600...i shouldn't have a problem with the writing or the verbal. your old score was pretty damn good, best of luck!...by the way, where are you applying if you don't mind my asking? i'm going for St. john's NM, Thomas Aquinas and a couple others i haven't decided between yet.</p>
<p>Swarthmore, Wellesley, Mills, Smith, Mt Holyoke and some UC's/CSU's.</p>
<p>I am retaking too, i am currently going to U of T in Canada
current score 800M 600V(old), SAT II writing 700, hoping for 2250+ on new (verbal is really weak :()
i am practicing, if i can get that high on blue book, i'll retake in december.
re-applying to Dartmouth, Penn and Cornell</p>
<p>I'll be taking them for the first time this fall. Most of the colleges I'm looking at applying to don't request them, but Trinity (definitely applying) and Wesleyan (likely applying) do. I'm also going to take three subject tests, but I'm not totally sure which ones yet.</p>
<p>I want to transfer from University of Delaware to UVA for Fall 06 (which woudl be my sophomore year), but my SATs are on the low side for both. My high school GPA makes up for it (salutatorian), but I'm worried the scores will keep me from transferring (680M, 650V). (SAT IIs even worse--620 Math IIC, 570 Chem, ouch, that's my major, and 710 Writing, yay). Would it just look bad to try the SAT again? Need to get into UVA!</p>
<p>Nope. It's actually really common for students to retake before transferring. Keep in mind that your college record will matter more and more the longer you wait before transferring. Transfers for junior year usually don't have their high school records considered anywhere near as much as their college work.</p>
<p>Also, I'm sure you're already aware of this, but transferring F -> So is a lot harder than So -> J.</p>
<p>If I took the SAT three times in HS, do I still have the opportunity to take it again?</p>
<p>if i am able to maintain a 4.0 gpa freshman year how much will my hs SAT score affect my transfer chances? and do i need to take SAT IIs?</p>