who is your role model?

<p>My role models are :</p>

<p>Nick Hogan
Lindsay Lohan
Paris Hilton
Kim Kardashian
Denise Rodriguez
Jenna Johnson
Ivana Trump
Amy whinehouse</p>

Klemens Wenzel von Metternich
the Marquis de Sade
Lord Voldemort
George W. Bush</p>

<p>Tina Fey :)</p>

<p>Darth Vader</p>

<p>Frasier, I wrote my essay on him</p>

and Bismark</p>

<p>…yeah wierd combo I know…</p>

<p>i have a friend with asperger’s
he’s on disability because of his schizophrenia, so he spends all day talking to mentally ill people on the internet, trying to empathize with them and help them out. this work is what gives his life meaning.
he is the most compassionate, understanding person i know
and yet he’s autistic.
this guy is my hero.
i only hope i can learn to be as good of a person as he is.</p>

<p>Robert F. Kennedy</p>

<p>Benjamin Linus</p>

<p>chuck norris</p>

<p>Genghis Khan
Louis and Clark
Alexander the Great
Simon Bolivar
Carl Sagan
The Scout (Team Fortress II)</p>

<p>Patrick Bateman</p>

<p>“…the Marquis de Sade…”</p>


<p>I also look up to P.Hilton, yelena, in addition to:</p>

<p>Courtney Love <3
Britney Spears <3
Anna Nicole Smith <3
Rosie O’Donnell <3
Ron Jeremy <3
Tila Tequila <3</p>

<p>Ron Burgandy</p>

<p>lol @ patrick bateman</p>

<p>he did have a really nice apartment!</p>

<p>Pat Robertson</p>

<p>Rorschach, aka Walter Kovacs</p>

<p>Robert Kennedy</p>

<p>Napoleon Bonaparte & my great grandpa =]</p>