who's nervous about psat '08???

<p>It is pretty meaningless for the REALLY top schools. For others, it's a big boost.</p>

<p>I have gotten 8394750932750987 pieces of mail since I got it lol</p>

<p>aahhhhh sooo nervous here, cutoff is ~218 as of last year (so probably 220 this year) and i'm scoring ~217 on todays psat :( cr is worst, math probably best (miss ~2-4, all stupid mistakes)
strangely, i got a perfect 80 in writing last yr but missed 4 on the practice :| :O altho at least 2 were really stupid mistakes :(</p>

<p>ME! I'm really nervous. I've been getting ~230 on practice tests, which falls quite comfortably within my state's NM cutoff, but I'm still worried about testing well. It doesn't count for much, but all the same...</p>

<p>Good luck to you all. I'm sure everyone here will do exceptionally well so try and relax a bit.</p>

<p>I'm super tense about it, I need 200+.</p>

<p>If you score well on the PSAT so you make National Merit Scholar and you want to go to the U of Alabama, that PSAT score is worth four years of tuition, room, board, a laptop, and money toward study abroad. Many colleges that give good merit aid love to give merit aid to National Merit Scholars.</p>

<p>Cutoff in NY was ~218, I think. I hope I'll get above 210; the (P)SAT is not my friend, I'm an ACT sort of girl.</p>

<p>good luck everyone
(psst everyone do badly so i get a good curve LOL jk)</p>

<p>of all weeks, every teacher is piling on the tests this week...why oh why evil teachers....
i'm not even kidding...essay test, multiple chem tests, chem packets (150+ questions), spanish history/geography test, latin test, calc test, american history test...</p>

<p>I pretty much bombed my PSAT in sophmore year so there is really no pressure. haha</p>

<p>@midwestmom2kids: WOW!
Maybe I'll go UAlabama if I get NMSF ;)</p>

<p>I understand, jennieblue, my state't cutoff last year was 209, which will probably raise, and I got a 209 on the practice test.</p>

<p>i've been flirting with my state's cut-off on every practice test, sometimes three points above last year's, sometimes two points below. the wait to find out the nmsf cut-off is going to be killer.</p>

<p>i can't believe it all comes down to this one test. otherwise no financial aid for me..</p>

<p>math is certainly my weakest, though i've really improved. i can't believe it's almost here.</p>

<p>omg. lajdlfjlsejfljwelewloiwffewjiokfsl!!!!111</p>

<p>^I know how you feel. My scores don't deviate more than 3 or 4 points from last year's cutoff. I guess we just have to hope that either the cutoff doesn't change, or that it goes down (unlikely).</p>

<p>I think we should all just take a deep breath and hope for the best. Good luck everyone!</p>

<p>Yes, good luck everyone!</p>

<p>My friend had her foot run over by a car last week, though. It'll be very hard for her to take the PSAT, if she can take it at all. So count your blessings! :)</p>

<p>^ wow that's sad =[ ..good luck to everyone who's taking it..[including me]..lol</p>

<p>I really like how you say your worst sections are CR and M and there are only three sections.</p>

<p>I got a 220 on the practice thing...so hopefully I can perform well on the real thing...but yeah I'm feeling nervous although everyone says it doesn't matter...it'd calm me down from all the college hype.</p>