who's still waiting decision?

<p>It is a week after they started decisions and I still haven't heard. Online decision check "not able to offer a decision at this time" Aybody else? They did confirm that I was a priority app on Monday when I called.
Any current students on campus want to swing by admissions and get the skinny for me??</p>

<p>yes, we are also still waiting and were told they would be out today. i know its very frustrating. My son did hear from u of Michigan , and u of Wisconsin, and got into both. So it looks like a call to the admissions office this morning.</p>

<p>If your son got into UMich I am sure he’ll get UMD</p>

<p>thanks for the vote of confidence, but you never know. I would much rather pay in state tuition.</p>

<p>Just called admissions again! They say, again, there is a decision and I may want to try on Monday!!! They still have a “few” priority app decisions to put into the system.</p>

<p>DS received his letter of acceptance to Honors two days ago in the mail.</p>

<p>it’s still saturday and i haven’t heard back yet either!!</p>

<p>i called Friday, A.M. , and they said a descion has been made but it takes a few days to load on the computer. I think they are just buying time, so everyone does not keep calling them. I found them to be very disorganized. It is frustrating, especially for the kids that got everything in very early.</p>

<p>Still haven’t heard either :(</p>

<p>Okay, so on this thread there are 4 of us still waiting decisions. Are you guys going to call (for some, again) on Monday? I could almost understand this happening if they were late to release and therefore eager to start letting people know but considering it is early I think it is kinda weird that they have taken more than a week to get all decisions out. Any chance we could get a decision on a Sunday?</p>

<p>Remember this is a very small subset of applicants…28K+ apply to UMD, I believe it was 23K+ just for ED. They said the results would be @ the 15th, so the avg kid out there has no idea if the results have been released. I.E. somebody form NC wouldn’t have a clue.</p>

<p>Maybe they’re going to give you a full scholarship and are just waiting for all the right people to sign off on it!!! I know kids who heard they were denied last week so it isn’t like they tell all the accepted kids first. Maybe the admissions staff person that handles your geographic area or your section of the alphabet was out with the flu?</p>

<p>My guess is that when your application is processed (received) you are assigned a number, this becomes your UMD id. If it is given out in order, the later you applied the longer it will take for that result to show up. So just give it time, your at the end of the pack.</p>

<p>I’m not sure that the later you applied the longer it will take is exactly right, because I know they received all my documents on Dec 1, and I received my email acceptance last Saturday.
I think it is just there are so many applications, it takes time to process - or possibly Muffy is right, and they are looking at scholarships.</p>

<p>I really hope you hear soon, goodschoolhopefully. The waiting must be awful.</p>

<p>I applied on November 16th and I still haven’t heard back. I called friday and a lady said it may take TWO WEEKS maximum for me to hear back. This is getting pretty annoying! I live in Maryland and literally everyone at my school has heard back already!</p>

<p>TWO WEEKS??? Well then the only thing I can do is dream about the possibilities of the above posts and go with the idea that they are considering scholarships - cause I’ll need something to pull me through another 2 week wait!!
This site is helpful with the support though - thanks to all.</p>

<p>Yeah, I don’t know, I didn’t believe it either. She said it “probably won’t take that long” though. My guess is that she was just trying to get me to stop calling (that was my second time in a week).</p>

<p>Well, they can’t really fault us for calling considering the way they have released decisions and we all have heard too many stories about applications getting messed up with missing documents etc. I wonder if this is how they have done it in previous years. They may be better off calling it a rolling decision, it would be more fitting anyways.</p>

<p>UMD did this last yr also, I just don’t rememberit being as long. As I said before you have this site and you may go to a school where everybody else has heard, however, many kids aren’t even aware of this going on.</p>

<p>If you think this is bad…just wait to move in day! You will think that it should take about 1 hr tops to move in…forget about it…try 2-3 hrs. Not enough parking, not enough bins, not enough elevators, etc and that’s if you are there within 30 mins of the time you are allowed. DS was given an 8-12 block, there was a second block of 1-5. Lesson learned for next yr, we are going to go at the tail end of the move in time so everybody else is gone. Our horrors were nothing compared to others (Honors, Gemstone and Scholars move in 1 day before everybody else)…general admit we heard was worse.</p>

<p>You are frustrated, but you need to realize you are not talking about a small school, this is a part of belonging to a large university that has many options available regarding education. They are trying to create a jigsaw puzzle without knowing what it is suppose to look like. They know where their cut off line is going to be…there are many no brainer decisions, but the majority will need to be looked at deeper. Then the top need to be re-sorted to programs (Scholars, Gemstone, Honors) and then you have Clark and Smith that need to be addressed. That is alot of subsetting that is required. Gemstone dept actually has a voice with the Honors program. And all of those programs have limited numbers to admit, so again you go into clear cut in or out and then those that are on the cusp.</p>

<p>They also had to read a lot of essays, and that niche question does play a part, in the admission process…say yes or no to go groups and you could be re-stacked/re-evaluated again.</p>

<p>Just in reality take student A 1350 SAT, 4.3 GPA, 5 AP’s

  1. Are you In: Yes
  2. Honors/Gemstone/Scholars: Re-evaluate…check essay
  3. Gemstone: No, they don’t want research
  4. Honors/Scholars: Re-evaluate and score
  5. Smith or Clark: Re-evaluate</p>

<p>Student B 1250 SAT, 3.9 GPA 3 APS

  1. Are you in: Maybe
  2. IS or OOS
  3. Essays or any Hooks that will give them an edge
  4. Fall Admit, Spring, but Fall wait, Spring or Deferred until April.</p>

<p>Those are a lot of piles you have to keep going through until your true decision is made.
They said the 15th in their eyes they are not behind the 8 ball, they have until the 15th</p>

<p>Thanks for taking the time with your reply, of course I know you are right and for some reason it is nice to see it all spelled out the way you have done. Hopefully I’ll need that advice about move in day!</p>