Why CC supplement

<p>I am really conserned that what I wrote for this supplement is too long or is not what the admission's staff is looking for at all. Could you please look it over? Any suggestions are welcome! thanks :)</p>

<p>How did you learn about Colorado College and why do you wish to attend?</p>

<p>I stumbled upon Colorado College while scrolling through a list of small schools in the West. After countless college visits, I was still aimlessly searching for the one that truly stood out from the others. After noticing Colorado College on the page, my first reaction was to go through my "Qualities of a Perfect College" checklist.</p>

<p>Quality Number One: a liberal arts education. Colorado College's Block Plan fits this perfectly, offering me the opportunity to immerse myself in subjects that intrigue me, while allowing opportunities for my very Undecided mind to map out a plan for the future. Whether I decide to focus on food science, botany, or something not science related at all, Colorado College will have courses to guide me toward my major.</p>

<p>Quality Number Two: a close-knit and active student body. The students at Colorado College seem to have a certain innate curiosity, endlessly questing more knowledge through their classes, professors, and campus clubs. I was drawn by the CC Cycling Club and Bike Co-op, which would give me the chance to incorporate my love of cycling into everyday life. This is not possible at my high school, nor at a majority of other colleges that have braved my list in the past.</p>

<p>Quality Number Three: a versatile location. The Rocky Mountain foothills fit this requirement perfectly. Allowing for endless sunny days of hiking and hands-on research, Colorado Springs is my ideal college location. I am drawn by the fact that students still get exposure to vibrant city life, allowing for opportunities such as summer internships. I find the Charlie Blumenstein Water and Wildlife Conservation Internship intriguing, and would love an opportunity to pour my love of nature into the true act of preserving the wild.</p>

<p>It took me until I reached quality number four (food, of course) to realize that my justification for loving this school cannot be found on a list. Rather, Colorado College is perfect for me due to all the other qualities that my list fails to cover. I love this school because it is so intensely different than anything I have ever experienced before, because every day at Colorado College will bring new academic, physical, and emotional adventures. Thus, I wish to attend Colorado College in order to find my passion.</p>

<p>What did anyone else write for this supplement?</p>

<p>I talked about meeting a student who goes there and him describing to me how the program is very similar to the one we were doing which made me interested in it. It is sort of hard to describe without knowing the volunteer work we do.</p>

<p>Shoot my intro was a lot like yours… luckily the similarities end there! That’s about the same length mine was.</p>