Why didn't you apply to a HBCU?

<p>Xavier is an amazing college especially for those interested in medicine, and I considered going there until I looked at the size. It has about 300 more students than my high school. I want to go to a large school for college. I seriously considered Spelman, because of the atmosphere and the tradition that the school has. I think I am going to go to an in state school though. I also want to be a doctor, in neonatalogy or cardiology :D I am planning on majoring in Microbiology and Molecular Biology, although I am a huge chemistry fan! I love chemistry so I may minor in that. lol</p>

<p>Cool! I love chem too! I thought I was the only science buff..I like every science, except I'm not too hot about physics, I just like the calculus-oriented components of physics, the other stuff is annoying. lol .</p>

<p>I like just about every science too..except for physics. I just don't like all the formulas, and the diagrams..lol. It is pretty annoying. :D I actually can't wait for college level chemistry classes. I am so excited to actually go to college, I think that it is going to be a lot of fun, both socially and academically.</p>

<p>I know! All the freedom and stuff. Because I have no life now, I'm definetly looking forward to having fun and meeting new people! I'm tired of being around the same people for 8 yours of the day and learning the same things! I want something new and exciting, college is def a time to explore :)</p>

<p>I'm from the fort lauderdale area of florida. I'm not big on chemistry but i can dig some physics; most of it just made sense lol.</p>

<p>I know all through middle school i loved Ben Carson, i thought his story was beyond inspirational. I read his book (Gifted Hands) ragged.</p>

<p>haha, makes sense. complete butting of heads going on here! lmao. But I've never read that, I should look into it, I have heard of Ben Carson before though. Lucky you're in the hot weather, I'd love to be in florida right now. I mean it's not freezing but I'm on vacation and it stinks that around night it drops close to below 0 :(
I'm definetly going to Miami for spring break though, to hang with the fam.</p>

<p>lol I actually love it when i go up to brooklyn. i love the cold, i would underdress just to feel the wind and the chill. yes i'm crazy like that. living down here i guess we tend to forget how nice we have it.</p>

<p>Hahaha, its okay. I live right next to the Beach and my friends & I go skinny dipping in the snow, yes I know, I'm crazy! Lol. But yea, I think we all don't really like where we live much lol.</p>

<p>i like it cuz i can dig wearing only one layer of clothing but it just gets static. and yes you are crazy.lol.</p>

<p>superwoman: I know! I would love to meet new people in college, and I am getting tired with the same routine of high school. I think the whole college atmosphere will be great. You should really read into Ben Carson. He's really amazing. </p>

<p>panicpower: I live in the South too and have love for both the cold weather. I love when it gets in the 30s and 40s. lol I love Ben Carson! I have read his books twice, and recorded the movie. I thought I was the only one who knew about him.</p>

<p>panicpower- yea, I have my days. lmao. I like taking risks, sometimes a little to big! lol but I make sure I don't go overboard.</p>

<p>BananaPop- I'm looking into it, I just visited the library today, I got the book, now all I have to do is read it lol.</p>


<p>superwoman- that is the first step, and i was with you with the skinny dipping ok whatever, but that northern cold water is no joke. i will not be joining the polar bear club anytime soon :P</p>

<p>bananapop- i dont have cable so i missed the movie but no i heard of him too. i thought i was one of the few too. i found in a wonderful example from alot of perspectives. his upbringing, his faith in his religion (not knocking anyone's beliefs or lack there of, i just respect his conviction in it), his accomplishments, all of it. it just made me think if he can take it to pediatric neuro surgery (i think that is what it was), i can bring the fire to peds. lol.</p>

<p>panicpower- hahaha. cool. :)</p>

<p>When I first started high school, I thought that I would end up going to a HBCU, but as the years progressed, I discovered that that's not what I really wanted. I have nothing against HBCUs. I just can't see myself attending one.</p>

<p>^^^ That's funny because that is like the complete opposite of myself. I applied and got accepted to a great prep school for high school, and figured I'd probably attend either Northwestern or Yale. As time progressed I realized I'd attend an HBCU. lol. I think alot of it has to do with your experiences in high school.</p>

<p>panicpower: I guess more people know about him than we thought! But I have learned a lot from him as well, especially his discipline in religion and academics. After reading his book, I was inspired to help children. lol Peds is so much fun. </p>

<p>LadyT: Yea, I think the desicion to go to an HBCU does have to do a lot with you high school experiences and your presonal preferences.</p>

<p>I most likely won't apply to an HBCU. I love culture, history, progress, but I seek a different college experience. I want to meet kids from all over the world and of a multitude of cultures, and you don't really get that an HBCU. Don't get me wrong -- I still realize the importance of HBCUs, and think that an excellent undergrad or grad experience can be had at a great many of them. When great African-American minds come together to propose and execute solutions, the black underachievement gap (in education, socioeconomics, &c.) will be eliminated...</p>

<p>rachael525- I totally love your location :)
I'd like to visit sometime lol..I'm going on a personal vaca.!
I applied to 2 HBCU's: Spelman and Florida A & M . Umm, I'm not entirely IN LOVE with them, but they particularly interest me, I definetly would go if I received any merit aid, but we'll see, 38 more days until I figure out where I'm gonna spend the next four years..mm. So scary to be making such big decisions but also so exciting! :)</p>

<p>It's too stereotypical for my parents and I believe I'll get a better education going to an Ivy. I want to experience a lot more other cultures and go out of my comfort zone.</p>

<p>HBCUs arent bad or anything but I couldnt see myself mostly surrounded by one race...
Whether it's an all black,white,hindu,hispanic,or asian school i wouldnt go....it has to diverse...a mixture of EVERYONE!</p>