Why do you love the undergrad business program?

son just admitted to Economics in Undergrad Business School…any pros or cons? why do you love it?

Have you visited the school? If not, do you plan to visit. If you visit the school, you can arrange for a tour of the business school. As part of the tour, you will meet with one of the advisors. It was very helpful. What other schools is your son looking at?

right now, Miami is his top choice for those he has been admitted to even though he was a Direct Admit into Kelly Business at Indiana University (hard to do:). so he will go there unless his “long-shot” schools accept him which are University of Texas and U of Southern Cal. Just wondering how others viewed Miami. In some circles it is known for becoming a “little Michigan”…a school that he did not care for when visited. He liked the business side of Michigan…just not the campus vibe;)

I will go with Kelly at IU… its ranked 8th in the Nation and UM is ranked 53rd…

My son was accepted to Kelly and chose Miami. Prior to Miami, the Dean of the business school worked at Michigan.

what year is your son? is he glad he choose Miami over Kelly? Do you think placement will be as strong? what is his concentration?

he likes Miami due to small size…and does not like IU due to large classes…and the fact that his “entire” high school is going there:) these “cerebral” kids need to broaden their horizons a little more sometimes…:slight_smile:

He is an accounting major. Miami is an up and coming school with a growing alumni network.

@oneindianamom I have a junior at Kelley who was a direct admit and accepted to both Miami and USC. She loved USC campus/vibe and that was her first choice. Miami was high on her list until we visited. We were unimpressed - She attended an accepted student day and it was disorganized (meeting room wasn’t large enough, speaker didn’t know answers to many questions, campus facilities didn’t impress). It was stark contrast to the IU and USC visits.

Ultimately, she had a tough time deciding between USC and Kelley (she too was worried about how many HS classmates would be attending IU - we are Midwest OOS). Ultimately the IU/Kelley scholarships tipped the scales. With the $$ saved she has done two Kelley study abroad programs and is interviewing for summer internships in NYC. FYI, the Kelley coursework is challenging and there are LOTS of really smart students who turned down top schools.

Bottom line, my daughter loves IU/Kelley and has no regrets about her decision! Feel free to PM with more questions. Good luck to your son!

Thank you for the info!

hi. i chose miami over IU kelley honors. sometimes i regret the decision because IU is so highly ranked compared to miami. but i think miami does have a few perks that tip it over the edge in than kelley in some regards. i love how small the classes are, and for the most part i’ve enjoyed the quality of education i’m receiving here. i am very close to my professors and i am even close to the assistant vice dean of the business school just after one semester. since miami is a smaller school, ive found that it is “easier” to get leadership positions since each class ( of the business school) is around 500 people. i’m sure it’s a lot easier to rise up in clubs here compared to IU. also, miami is definitely a lot more diverse than indiana, but if you fit the white stereotype at indiana i’m sure that’s not an issue. if you want to work in a LatAm HQ of a company and plan on becoming fluent in Spanish, Miami is a great place to do business. but if you just want to stay in chicago/nyc/boston area IU is definitely the better school for that sort of network. i know i personally will be fine job-wise due to my personality/a few connections, but miami’s strongest pull in recruiting is in florida. my parents were really upset that i chose miami over IU at first and told me i would have to “live with myself” if i had to live in florida for the rest of my life (we’re from Northeast people).
At the end of the day, I think IU is the better school. Actually my mom called a Marketing professor at Miami while I was deciding who said although the quality of students has drastically increased in the past few decades, IU is still a lot better. If you want the better name, better network, better education, pick IU. If you can be a big fish in a smaller pond, your son will still do great at Miami. Also accounting here is awesome. Really good recruiting. The old CEO of Deloitte & Touche went to Miami so he’s set if that’s what he’s interested in.
Also, I noticed a lot of these schools have a lot of frat oriented social life. I don’t know if this is something that interests your son, but freshman boys spend their first semester super miserable because going out is so expensive (bars/clubs oriented social life in Miami) and they can’t get into frat parties. I didn’t think it was that big of a deal but then I heard my friend say his roommate is trying to transfer because he hated the social life here. Just a thought.

Sounds like you made a bad decision and are trying to blame the school. There is Nothing wrong with the business school. There is a great alumni network in the New York City area. Business School aside, I U is an average school. The school serves as safety school for kids on the Northeast. My son is a sophomore and was anything but miserable his freshman year.

thanks @rightofway…I figure that every kid is different, but IU seemed the same to me as @oneindianamom thought. I think my child feels the same way…doesn’t want to be caught up in the “masses” and wants a more “personal” approach so that is why he is picking Miami

Other than the Indiana business school, as long as you can breathe, you will be accepted into Indiana. The business school is a factory. In my 30 plus years of working in the business field, I have never met a graduate of the business school.

My daughter was also a direct admit into IU Kelly school of business, but chose to go to Miami for business. She is incredibly happy there. Just a freshman so far and taking the core classes so can’t speak to future opportunities, but loving the weather, the culture, the diversity of the students. I also had reservations because Kelly is rated so highly, it was so much closer to home and less expensive, but we have to trust our kids to make the right decision for themselves.