IU Kelley vs University of Miami Herbert for Business

Son wants to major in business and was accepted to IU (Kelley direct admit), University of Miami (Herbert business school) UConn (business school), University of Maryland (freshman connection and not direct admit to business), SMU (don’t know if direct admit to Cox yet) and waitlisted at Clemson and University of Wisconsin Madison. We are in state and he really doesn’t want UConn. Not getting directly into business at Maryland seems too risky/stressful since he really wants business. While he loves the idea of Miami, he didn’t get any money there so looking at the published price of nearly $90k a year and seems hard to justify given other options (Based on their calculator, using his stats we were expecting approx $25k a year in merit if he got in but with the pool of applicants they had this year they explained that shifted). IU seems like the best option to me but a little concerned about the lack of prestige/reputation of IU generally but get that Kelley is well regarded. He was really hoping for somewhere warm (top choices were UT and UF but he didn’t get in), with great sports and school spirit. Assume he won’t get off the waitlist at Clemson or UW. Really hoping he finds somewhere to spend his 4 years and avoid transferring - know its an option but would prefer to avoid it. Appreciate any feedback in case i am missing anything.

Kelley is a top 20 B school. Congratulations. His friends are way off.

SMU could be a great option. Did he get any merit? Direct admit to Cox would be nice. S20 had a great offer there including BBA scholar but Covid hit and couldn’t visit.

Miami was also at the top of S20’s list but didn’t get enough merit. Full pay is crazy when he has other options. No way $400k for Miami. When he applied did you tell him you would pay?

He could still get off the waitlist. It’s possible.

Go to Kelley or UConn for a year and transfer. South Carolina has a very good business school. FSU, Alabama, NC State, UGA could also be options.

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You can still apply to strong Manderson at Alabama and Eller at Arizona.

Why did he take APs? To get a head start with earned credits. . To get into an awesome school.

You son needs confidence. Who cares what others think? And frankly they’re wrong.

He got into Kelley. Kids go there ahead of top schools or because they don’t get into Duke or Michigan. My colleagues kid chose it over Duke. Gorgeous campus too.

UConn is great btw.

Reputationally IU is better than all you listed. UMD, Florida, Wisconsin, Clemson.

Guess what though - he didn’t get into those.

So you do the best with what you have. IU is putting out top business grads.

What does he want to study ?

SMU could be great. Miami isn’t that strong.

Good luck.

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IU Kelley is a great option (I agree best reputationally of the options he has) and I expect they place more grads in the Northeast than UMiami, assuming that’s where he wants to ultimately be. I don’t know that for sure, you might see what kind of outcome data you can find online and by contacting the career center. IU also offers a 4 year college experience that most students report being happy with.

You haven’t said what the budget is and if any of these schools require loans behind the $27k max undergrad student loan, if so, I would drop those because those loans would be on the parents.

Clemson and Wisc waitlists are unlikely to happen…Clemson has already closed down OOS transfers for Fall (I know he’s not a transfer but it’s indicative of high enrollment there) and UWisc has taken very few off the waitlist for the last few years because they have overenrolled.


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