Why financial information with application?

<p>I just sent in my early decision application. I'm really confused about the financial aid forms though. On top of the application, which is due Nov. 1, they also require a financial aid application with 2007 and 2008 tax returns by Nov. 1. Then they require the FAFSA by April 15th.</p>

<p>Cornell says it's need blind. Why do they want my family's tax records that early? And what year determines aid package for the 2010-11 school year? I guess I assumed the FAFSA asked about the most recent year (2009 in this case), and the school based their package on that... Can someone shed some light on this for me?</p>

<p>also curious</p>

<p>if you are accepted ED, most colleges will immediately (or at the exact same time) provide you with an estimated financial aid award so you can accept or reject. Since Cornell receives thousands of apps, it needs time to process the financial aid calculations. Note, this is also true for other ED colleges that are need blind.</p>

<p>Yes, Fafsa is not due until next year bcos you can’t even work on it until Jan 1-2010. Thus, ED colleges provide you with an estimated financial aid award.</p>

<p>they need your FA documents because they need to (or should) give u the FA decision as soon as they accept you
and since you need to make a decision by January, they must have your taxes etc. beforehand to do the calculations</p>