Why girls do better in school: I've figured it out

<p>Well, I've been waiting for years for boys to catch up in maturity level to me (I think I'll wait until 25 or so to give up), but I might have just been born old to begin with. Or maybe it's because girls are conditioned while growing up to know it's their 'job' to do all the boring household chores like their mother does, while the boys grow up knowing they can sit around and watch tv and read the newspaper while their wife does the boring chores when they grow up.</p>

<p>As far as social life being influential...about 1/3 the people in my classes refused to be caught dead speaking with me, and the other 2/3s pretty much just ignored me. I had no close friends and only casual friends some of the time. I was the lone weirdo sitting silently in her seat while everyone else around me chatted until the bell rang. I also got some of the best grades in the school. Unless lack of a social life actually makes you horribly depressed, or you've chosen to try to belong to a group of friends that prides itself on being dumb and failing classes, it doesn't affect the way you do in school.</p>

<p>Um, the loudest/most incessant socializers in my class are guys. I'm not saying, oh, one or two guys are really loud and talk all of the time. No, basically we're talking 99% of the people who are really loud and talk all of the time are guys. In class, girls are more quiet in my experience. Outside of class, well, that's a different story, but yeah.</p>

<p>What does that prove?</p>