<p>has a Bruin Bash with concerts with awesome artists and other events......
and we get...........................</p>
<p>has a Bruin Bash with concerts with awesome artists and other events......
and we get...........................</p>
<p>Because we get awesome concerts throughout the year.</p>
<p>@inconnu: Can you name some popular past performers?</p>
<p>I’ll do you one better: [Buy</a> Berkeley Concert Tickets - Concerts in Berkeley - Concert Schedules](<a href=“http://www.coasttocoasttickets.com/buy/berkeley_ca_concert_tickets.htm]Buy”>http://www.coasttocoasttickets.com/buy/berkeley_ca_concert_tickets.htm)</p>
<p>Greek Theater is on campus, and so in Zellerbach. Berkeley is also just a stone’s throw (read: BART ride) away from Oracle Arena (Eagles will be performing there soon) and the Coliseum (Franz Ferdinand played there two years ago…Tickets were $20 back then).</p>
<p>Actually, Jimi Hendrix was a past performer at Berkeley. His Berkeley performances are legendary.</p>
<p>Bruin Bash = Clipse? and ■■■■■? okay… I was expecting better lol</p>
<p>Berkeley’s having a Maroon 5/One Republic concert in October (which I bought tickets to)
<p>Why do we have to pay for our concerts? Bruin Bash is free. Oh and Lady Gaga will be at the Oracle Arena in March
I wanted go to her concert again but haven’t met anyone from Cal who would go with me :(</p>
<p>And TI among others. But the thing is the concert’s freeeeeeeeeeee.
M5/OneRepublic is like 50+ bucks last time I checked (still don’t know whether I want to go =/ I do like both bands a lot. you lucky you ;D)…And I wanted to go to Rodrigo and Gabriela this weekend as well as Train but these tickets are a heavy spend. Nothing happens at Zellerbach unless you like to sit with old people and listen to orchestra music/occasional ballets.</p>
There are obviously for-profit concerts at UCLA with big name artists as well. -.-</p>
<p>Vampire Weekend is playing on the 25th of September and thats all I care about. But why does UCLA have to have a better arts program? Thats what I’m wondering…</p>
<p>On-campus concerts had student discounts. I believe Jason Mraz’s $60 tickets were $25 for students? Someone who actually went might want to correct me.</p>
<p>YAY, Vampire Weekend. I’ll be there But yeah, it sucks that UCLA has Bruin Bash. Even USC has a Welcome Concert…and Ra Ra Riot is headlining this year! I’m jealous. </p>
<p>But as for popular past performers, the Greek has hosted some amazing acts like Radiohead, Death Cab, Spoon, Sigor Ros, etc.</p>
<p>no doubt the Greek gets good artists here and there, but it still cuts into your wallets (well mine at least). I don’t know if there are discounts, but I remember some shows at the Greek ask for charity donations so they’re a bit cheaper for admission.</p>
<p>WHAT?! When is this? >.></p>
<p>we have it better than a lot of universities <shrug></shrug></p>
<p>but Cal does look a bit lame compared to UCLA’s Bruin Bash and UCSD’s Sungod</p>
<p>@Maharba1147: Apparently this Saturday…those lucky Trojans :(</p>
<p>And 123456789bc, I agree. Cal should host a music festival, seeing how we’re the 8th most hipster school and all LOL.</p>
<p>two words.</p>
<p>Whoo, 10/2! But it’d be nice if we had free events too since Greek tickets are pricey…and there are those darn ticketmaster fees.</p>
<p>yeah i could spring for free concert tix too.</p>
<p>im goin a little broke :(</p>
because we spend all our money providing free needles and checkups to the huge hobo population</p>
<p>What the **** is happening to our money. I want free ****ing concerts meow! Damn hippie school</p>