<p>Thank you for the suggestions everyone :)</p>
<p>@amtc: I’m not very good at being assertive, I don’t really know what to do besides send in applications. How do you call companies and ask them to hire you? Especially if you don’t know whether they’ve thrown out your application already? Also I don’t remember which companies I gave my resume to at the career fair, maybe that’s a bad thing :P</p>
<p>@busdriver: I shied away from Google/Facebook etc. because I figured they were too competitive and I wouldn’t get the job. (I’m not a CS major, haven’t taken algorithms yet, and can only program in C, Perl, and Python.) Congratulations on your son’s internship offer!</p>
<p>@Rush: Maybe, I guess I have no way of knowing. I think at least two of them are good because I’ve used them to get research jobs. I don’t know about the third one.</p>
<p>@HPuck: That’s a good idea. I’ve already worked on four research projects though, so I don’t think any more would help me get a job (or get into grad school for that matter).</p>
<p>@intparent: How do you find informational interviews? Do you just go up to someone who works in a company and ask if you can talk to them?</p>
<p>@momofboston: Good to know, thanks.</p>
<p>@2born: Thanks :)</p>
<p>@ebeee: My parents are both in academia. Actually, I don’t think they want me getting an internship. My dad was horrified at the prospect of me going into finance and he said computer programming was “technician’s work”…I think the only thing he would want me to be is a professor, which I really don’t want to be. Maybe my mom knows someone though, I should ask her.</p>
<p>@ttparent: By golly that’s a lot of applications! I’m not really that diligent, just gave my resume to people at the career fair, but thank you :)</p>
<p>@bovertine: lol, thanks :D</p>
<p>@artlovers: Good point. I guess I should apply more broadly.</p>
<p>@NewHope: Wow, I never imagined it would be that bad. It seems my classmates are getting internships like crazy, my friends have gotten several interviews and I haven’t gotten any. But they are probably better at job hunting than I am. Or have better resumes.</p>
<p>@parentoftwo: Thanks, I might
I’m kind of worried about waiting that long because I might want to find a research job this summer instead and I have to start looking for those this month. I’m actually debating not doing an internship because it’s too hard getting interviews and maybe I can put off the whole work experience thing until after grad school :/</p>
<p>@colorado_mom: Wow, that is really late. I wish job offers were as “organized” as college acceptances, it would be easier to plan things. Good luck!</p>