Why is the Hispanic section so dead?

<p>It's such a shame that hardly any Hispanics post here, especially students. I feel like the few people who do post on here are adults D: The African American section is pretty lively.</p>

<p>Agree. This forum has never been as active as the AA one. But this year is particularly slow, there are usually a few regulars who are going through the process and have questions/comments/results/etc.</p>

<p>What’s even more sad is that most Hispanics just don’t care about school…:/.</p>

<p>This would also be my take on why there’s not a lot of activity in this section.</p>

<p>I am just waiting…Nothing to post yet</p>

<p>Could it be that the issues for Hispanics at the CC level are more mainstream?</p>

<p>A couple of possibilities:</p>

<p>Relatively low numbers of Hispanics on CC in general.</p>

<p>The fact that this subforum is buried under Specialty Topics on the main menu, which means that many potential posters just plain don’t see it.</p>

<p>^I feel like there aren’t that many Hispanics on CC</p>

<p>When I look at Decision threads for schools I mostly see White or Asian students, with some AAs here and there. Hispanics are rare in them. </p>

<p>I’m proud to be one :smiley: Just doesn’t seem like to many are around here.</p>

<p>Just speaking for myself (as a Hispanic parent). I’ve been on CC for quite some time looking for college information that doesn’t pertain to being Hispanic and the other general forums have been more appropriate. My kids attend a high school that has many students who are very similar to those who post on CC (!) and they are not interested in posting here (so I’m the one who looks up info as necessary).</p>

<p>^In general, participants on CC tend to have a pretty good handle on college admissions, either through their HS, friends or involved parents. They may not know all the ins and outs, but they have the resources and help to seek out the information they need.</p>

<p>I wish there was a way to reach more first gen, disadvantaged, etc. Hispanic students who don’t have strong guidance for this process. While I believe all students can benefit from the information here (NHRP, fly-ins, summer programs), I think the Hispanic forum and the members who contribute to it can be of significant help to kids who have the drive and interest to attend college but not a good understanding of how to go about this often complex undertaking.</p>

<p>BTW, neither of my kids would ever think of posting on CC, although they have benefited from the information learned here on many occasions :).</p>

<p>Agree with MLM. As the parent of a Hispanic student, I first found this forum while searching for information about the National Hispanic Scholar program. In that aspect, this forum has been a big help - and my D might end up attending one of the schools that specifically recruits Nat. His. Scholars. Otherwise, I spend my time looking at the same forums that every student/parent would - college specific information, financial aid, etc. My D doesn’t post on CC at all - she doesn’t have the time or interest.</p>

<p>I wouldn’t call this forum dead - just not as active as some of the others. I also suspect that many people come here just to read and get information but do not wish to participate by posting.</p>