Where are all the black People at

<p>It seems like this board is less active than the otherS? </p>

<p>Is it because not a lot of blacks are on the board or because they don't pay attention to it?</p>

<p>I've noticed too on this board, the blacks on here try to pretend they are not black and say"mixed"</p>

<p>=/...where im from it aint no mixed. you black if you look black and be proud of it! lol</p>

<p>I feel like there’s just not a lot of us here. Hence, the lack of activity on this board compared to other sections of the site. </p>

<p>I haven’t really noticed a lot of people saying they’re mixed, but who knows, they probably are. I’m basically fully black, but if I was half asian or any other race I’d embrace both equally:).</p>

<p>um, i’m about as mixed as straight vodka.</p>

<p>Honestly there are not a lot of us in America and there are even fewer of us really interested in top colleges (reason why Affirmative action exist =/ ). So yeah not many blacks here… :(</p>

<p>Affirm Action does not exixt b/c “few[] of us really interested in top colleges” - - and I fear the perception that College Confidential, even this board, is helpful for only (ok - - primarily) those interested in top colleges is largely to blame for the inactivity here.</p>

<p>^ There are actually a lot of Black People in America. I don’t really know where you got that from. The Census is not always right. There is always more than what you think, not everyone does the census</p>

<p>Why would the proportion of blacks not participating in the census be any higher than that of any other race? That makes no sense. There are probably just about as many blacks in America as foolishpleasure implies - about 12.6% of the total population. </p>

<p>And I got that number straight from the Wikipedia article “Demographics of the United States.”</p>

Blacks and Hispanics together make up ~50% if not a little more of the pop. </p>

<p>Not trying to dispute, just not what I heard. </p>

<p>Also, the post about why AA exist being because not a lot of us are interested in top colleges gives the “other” people on CC reason to hate us even more. It’s in no way their fault. And a lot of us don’t have to be interested in top colleges—just colleges in general. </p>

<p>Everything we do gets criticized on here. There’s no reason why we can’t type in proper grammar like everyone else. </p>

<p>Thank you, and nil desperandum- congrats on your college successes! I hope to be in your shoes soon :slight_smile: (I’m a junior.)</p>

<p>I’m not pretending that I’m not black ■■■■■, but like another user suggested, I’m simply embracing my other races :slight_smile:
I agree with CPU: please don’t give CCers anymore reasons to hate us.</p>

<p>Anyways, I dont know why this board isn’t all that active. Probably because they don’t know it exists lol.</p>

<p>Sent from my iPhone using CC</p>

<p>ugh its so disappointing. Cause It would be poppin! lol…(yes i use slang)</p>

<p>I mean if we got enough black people on the board! We could make it so popular and more interactive!</p>

<p>hahaha. I don’t go on the hispanic board because it’s overrun with parents this year! but next year I’ll be switching back and forth between this one and that one. I like this one more, aside from all the affirmative action ■■■■■■■■ :)</p>

<p>Why don’t we make it active, huh?
It shouldn’t be too difficult.</p>

<p>^^ I know right! All this AA crap! Its like so stupid! </p>

<p>I dont have a problem with it nor should any one else. If it was the other way around they would be right there sharing the praises for it! Its not like Its ONLY for black people. Anywho. i’m not going to talk about AA cause people get antsy lol.</p>

<p>@newsperrys, why did you delete your post?</p>

<p>@Loveispeac3: True, it’s not only for black people, but black people are the greatest recipients of it, which is why AA bashers always seem to have that 1 (yep, just 1) African-American friend who’s “unqualified”.


<p>I don’t understand that at all! How are they suppose to judge who is qualified! Thats just hatin’! Thats all that is. No need to be jealous, just move on.Obviously, the school didnt want you there.</p>

<p>I mean really its like they are saying ohh…you only got in cause your black…if thats the case than Gucci Mane can get into Harvard! lol any one can get into harvard. <em>sighs</em> but any way. Its not even that important. No one dares says that to me. NOPE! I work hard, and it shows. </p>

<p>Just because one person has a 1950 means there not qualified…thats damn good to me! No need to have no 2400, 1900 and above is just as good. many people cant even get to that!</p>


Anyone who has paid attention to my posts on AA threads knows that I’ve been preaching this since the beginning of time. The fact that a bunch of immature high schoolers, who have never set foot into an admissions office, believe they’re fit to determine who’s “qualified” and who isn’t is beyond appalling. </p>

<p>I mean, what makes me really sick is people who come here just to ask what our opinions are on Affirmative Action. They don’t say, “Congrats 2015 AAers on your results!” or anything. (i.e. NuclearPenguins, aglages, etc) It’s childish, classless and insulting. GTFOH. -____-</p>

<p>It’s not because we’re black. It’s because we work just as hard as everyone else. I’m tired of being a statistic.</p>

<p>OMGOSH! Nuclear Penguins is the worst! I had a back and forth with him for the longest and he is just such an a hole!He would twists my words and set it to something he could argue which was pointless.</p>

<p>and Mrluggs, what do you mean statistic?</p>

<p>Agreed, luggs. Hahaha, I could care less what numbers say. I DARE you to try and tell me I haven’t worked hard ^_^</p>

<p>Statistic: black people having the highest crime rates, lowest graduation rates, highest pregnancy rates, etc. He’s saying he doesn’t want to “add to the stereotype” lol.</p>

<p>Sent from my iPhone using CC</p>