Why should i choose UW-Madison?

<p>You young people have much to learn.</p>

<p>UW-Madison is far, far, far superior academically to UCONN. </p>

<p>And, I am an adult.</p>


<p>Oregon, $16K OOS (strong journalism, loved location)
Kansas, $14K OOS (strong humanities, nice campus)</p>

<p>Both of these are auto-admits (for anyone with decent stats), comparable to UConn academically and very cheap OOS. I loved Eugene and would have been content going there over a more expensive/prestigious school like GW had I been rejected from Madison.</p>

<p>Surprise! I too found the same bargain at OU and KU over a decade ago! Looking back now, it's pretty scary to imagine how my life would have turned out had Madison rejected me...</p>

<p>having visited both of them...
Wisconsin will kick UCONN's ass</p>