Why UA?


<p>I have been accepted to the University of Arizona with an Arizona Excellence Award of $5,000 per year and an Apple iPad.</p>

<p>As of right now, the University of Kansas, the University of Oregon and the University of Arizona are my three top choices, but I would like to know why I should choose Arizona over the other two.</p>

<p>Can someone, preferrably who is a student at UA, explain to me what the school and the are are like? I would appreciate it if anyone wrote down the list of pros and cons of UA.</p>

<p>I think it depends on what you want to study , I chose UA over UO (not too long ago) bcuz UA has better reputation and stronger academics in the field i want to study , and UO doesnt offer much majors if you compared it to UA …,</p>

<p>There isn’t much difference between the three schools academically. Each is a large public university with plenty of majors to choose from. All things being equal (scholarship money/tuition costs are comparable), I’d probably choose UA. Better weather, better looking students and soon to be (again) better than Kansas in men’s basketball.</p>