Why University of Wisconsin?

<p>I'm currently in debate with myself in whether the University of Wisconsin is a better option than Texas A&M University
I have asked around for advice but all the answers I get are not what I want to hear. Indeed, I have been told to go visit the campus but I know that, that will not be possible since I'm all the way down in Texas. Therefore, I would like to hear from somebody that is attending or attended the University of Wisconsin. </p>

<p>What’s your major? What will you end up paying for both schools?</p>

<p>My major is mechanical engineering and I will have to pay $5000 for Texas A&M and $4000 for University of Wisconsin. </p>

<p>Wow, if your paying a similar price, let alone a lower price, I’d go with UW. Both are similarly ranked in ME, but Wisconsin is the best school overall. Since you’re from Texas, I’m sure you already know A&M is a very rural campus and if you look up Madison, it’s a much larger, much more urban place. Wisconsin has pretty brutal winters, so if you’re scared of that, beware. </p>

<p>School cost is part of the equation. Travel costs are another. Do not plan on going home except for breaks. Most UW students will not go home many weekends so you wouldn’t want to miss those. The money saved at UW will cover travel I suspect. Check the cost of room and board, ie dorm and food plans. Res Halls has well maintained dorms with a variety of locations to choose from. The food service is good with the ability to eat anywhere regardless of where you live. Food available extensive hours. Food costs- all a la carte with no minimum required. </p>

<p>Weather in much of Texas has cold enough winters to not make climate a plus (think Dallas and the Super Bowl game the Packers were in a few years ago). Your UW winter wardrobe won’t be that costly. Not likely to have freezing rain.</p>

<p>Campus atmosphere is a huge difference. Plenty of STEM majors at UW but also plenty of social science, humanities and other majors to interact with. Excellent Chemistry, Math and Physics departments for those preengineering classes you will need. Beautiful setting with the lake and terrain. Diverse buildings. many diverse activities to enjoy. </p>

<p>Your chance to experience a different part of the country. You will find UW alumni all over the country. Check the UW alumni link on the UW website for a chapter near you and contact them for their opinions. Explore the UW website- I find it dynamic and easy to find all sorts of information.</p>

<p>Check the courses available and required for your intended major at both schools. You may find courses available at one or the other that intrigue you.</p>