
<p>i got into Northwestern but not jhu.....maybe jhu is fed up with overachieving asian kids who like to conduct research...lol....</p>

<p>but i honestly thought i would get into Jhu and not Nu....im very happy it turned out liek this but idk i thought my research and being a Siemens Competition Semifinalist would make me more appealing to jhu.</p>

<p>Same here. I’m Asian too. I got an early write acceptance to both swarthmore and Amherst college and was a siemens and intel semifinalist but got rejected from JHU. I even got an email from an admission officer from Amherst college tellling me how impressed she was with my passion for research. But still, I’m sure Hopkins had a specific reason why they didn’t pick either one of us. Oh well. Congrats on Northwestern and congrats to everyone who was accepted to JHU.</p>

<p>yeah i rememebr you from the forum…u did soemthign with a vaccination…anywho wow! siemens and intel semifinalsit gettting rejected? w.e then.</p>

<p>ps. if ur from li like i am, did u partcipate in LISEF? Im going to reno</p>

<p>No I didn’t do LISEF. I thought intel and Siemens were enough lol but I know a bunch of kids who did. I’m assuming going to Reno is forISEF and you won at LISEF. If you did, congrats. That’s truly something. Must be really exciting to go to Reno. Oh well for JHU. I really liked JHU. Once again congrats on Northwestern. That’s awesome</p>

<p>screw hopkins…us asian overachievers with a sincere passion for science are too good for it anyway. the adcom was blinded by our excellence and too intimidated to accept us because they knew we’d never pick jhu anyway.</p>

<p>lol jk…:wink: that sound awful. but i find it funny how sooo many waitlist/rejected applicants this year got really amazing acceptances and scholarship opportunities at other schools, often at schools that are ranked a lot higher and are more selective than hopkins. seems to me that hopkins either messed up or realized these students were treating it like a 4th, 5th, or even 14th choice of all the other schools they applied to.</p>

<p>college admissions is really unpredictable as we’ve all probably heard so many times before. i’m learning to take nothing for granted ever. and to not get too full of myself…overconfidence kills, haha. Four to five months ago, i didn’t think i could count on getting into even my safety school, but after getting a few great acceptances, i got really arrogant and dismissive. i probably got what i deserved with hopkins.</p>

<p>but congrats on your incredible achievements OP!! good luck wherever you decide to go!!</p>

<p>Lol I can’t be too dissapointed. My SATs and grades weren’t a standout compared to the amazing kids who did get accepted (congrats to you guys). I guess Amherst and Swarthmore gave me a little to much confidence coming into JHU decision day</p>

<p>so im not the only one… though im on a lower scale than you guys based on all your research/awards… but i had my sports going for me lol</p>

<p>oh well</p>

<p>My son is going to ISEF, and national JSHS, has publishable research, excellent grades, athlete, leadership, state level awards…got waitlisted at JHU. Asian and legacy, no less. Hard to understand the acceptances/rejections this year.</p>

<p>I’m asian and I got the exact opposite situation</p>

<p>waitlisted NU, rejected MIT, accepted JHU</p>

<p>I’m asian myself but I applied as a art history major/computer science major and I got in. Some of these departments are quickly losing students to popular majors like neuroscience, public health, and international relations.</p>

<p>Admissions is constantly coordinating with other divisions in order to achieve a order. Some of the best and brightest applicants may be asians who are overachievers who have tons of research on their hands. JHU will not accept all those students, and it’s for a pretty legit reason.</p>

<p>President Brody said Hopkins is looking to attract more humanities ppl since Hopkins is known as a science/medicine mecca to many ppl. Hopkins I guess is trying to change it’s image and appeal to a different segment of the application pool, like english, history, more humanities type individuals compared to sciency type ppl.</p>

<p>That’s true, Hopkins has many great humanities programs that are overlooked, and they don’t want everyone coming in to be a research geek. On the other hand, my son played up his athletic and service side in his essays, and has excelled in things outside of science. Maybe that did help in terms of putting him in the waitlist pile vs. rejected pile (not that there’s much hope in getting off the waitlist). Never thought the choice of major on the application could be a liability. He should have put his other interest, which is business, I guess. Well, good luck to you all, no matter where you end up you will excel. :)</p>

<p>WOW reading this thread kills me. I wanted to go to NU so bad and got waitlisted, I got into JHU which I just threw in an app at the last minute.</p>

<p>Same, only it’s more like I really want off the waitlist and into Hopkins. WL sucks :(.</p>