<p>Hey guys, while West Point is pretty much out for me, I do have this really strange yet awsome thing that happened to me when I visited back in early February.</p>
<p>While in the visitors center, I met this German filmmaker and owner of "vidicom." He said he was making a movie about institutions in the world that make leaders. For the US, he wanted to use West Point. I looked up his company, and it has made some cool films that go on discovery channel, National geographic, stuff like that. He said that he had all the information he needed except for the upcmong class because they hadn't arrived yet. I told him I was nominated and qualifed, and he asked for my e-mail address and proposed that he could follow me around on R-day in the event that I got in.</p>
<p>Unfortunately, he said that it seems he won't be able to use West Point because there weren't enough press guidance officers to make a documentary this year. However, he insisted that if I got in he may still be able to film. I informed him that it was not likely I would receive an appointment, but that I had gotten into Coast Guard and was still in the running for Navy. He explained that he thought that West Point was out, because he wasn't going to be given complete access, and that instead the company was pondering Wellesley college. However, upon hearing about the other service academies he became interested in doing one on the Naval Academy. Apparently, in Germany they haven't really heard about the Naval Academy, but know what West Point is. I just think this is so cool, and really goes to show the kind of respect given to the service acadmies and their cadets/midshipmen. I included some of his e-mails here, I hope you find them interesting.</p>
<p>"We met at the visitors center of West Point. I hope you enjoyed the tour as much as I did. We also had a great meeting with the press people there. They are very supportive and promised to give us everything we need, but it would help me if we could also stay in touch with you directly. The only cadets were they cannot provide us any information are the new ones like you because they don't know them yet. So it would be great to keep an update with you and know what's in the pipe. I hope you will make it to West Point and I keep all my fingers crossed. Please find enclosed our website address. The website is in English. There you can find more information on our company. Hope to speak to again some time in March."</p>
<p>"Hi James,
have you heard from West Point? Are you in?
It looks as if they don't allow us to film because
their ressources for press guidance people are too
Thanks for your willingness to help us. Maybe we still
can make it. Let us keep the fingers crossed.
Best Peter"</p>
<p>"Hi James,</p>
<p>Yes, it seems as if we are out of West Point. We are currently discussing to replace it with the Wellesley College. Is West Point the best career choice for you or are the other academies as famous and as difficult als West Point? In Germany, we know only about West Point, but not much about the other academies. </p>
<p>Best Peter"</p>