Wildcat Promise

<p>If you apply in full before Oct 15th, you’ll receive an admissions decision on Nov. 5th. Does that mean we can find out online Nov 5- no matter what? Or will receive a letter on the 5th, and the decision will be posted on MyUA later? Anyone who has been through this before, your input is much appreciated!</p>

<p>Yes you will be advised online in UAaccess as soon as Nov 5</p>

<p>I’m also applying with the wildcat promise, is there a possibility we could be informed before November 5?</p>

<p>I think it’s unlikely but possible, I believe the first admissions decision do come out around Nov 5. Hurry up?</p>

<p>Has anyone else received phone calls confirming completed application?</p>

<p>yes we got a call stating that the application is complete. </p>