Will admissions officers think I copied?

<p>IMO my essays are pretty creative and unconventional (took months of experimenting and dozens of rough drafts to get where I am now). However, I'm kind of afraid that the ideas that I'm using may have been done before one time or another (because what are the possibilities of anyone coming up with something that has NEVER been done before by hundreds of thousands of applicants in the past and present?). Will admissions officers hold it against me if my essays' formats somewhat resemble something that has been done before in the past even if I use my genuine voice in my essays?</p>

<p>I never thought there was such a thing as a dumb question…I guess I was wrong.</p>

<p>Depends on your topic, if it’s too generic they won’t think very highly of you but I doubt they would think you copied another persons essay.</p>

<p>haha, This made me chuckle. Obviously if you wrote it yourself they won’t think you copied.</p>

<p>Nononono. No. This is actually a very valid question. Just yesterday I met person whose destiny resembled mine. Right here on CC. And a year before this I met my future best friend by a mere chance.
You guys, there’s a handful of outcomes that might happen in those 18ish years of life. I’m willing to make a bet that in thousands of applications there is at least one pair that will be extremely alike.
The odds are, the topics we pick were already elaborated on. Yet it abosolutely cannot be held against people. Seven billion lifes is not that much, considering that there are so many who share, say, common historic background.
Man, it’s almost three in the morning here, so I’m going to bail out of the conversation for now. My apologies :slight_smile: ^^</p>

*</em> and ‘historical’, I guess?</p>