My wife heard that next fall all freshman housing will be triples. Has anyone heard this?
While I guess anything is possible I really doubt all freshman students would be assigned to triples next year. The only ways I could see this happening is if they enrolled another 1000+ students (which they don’t have enough faculty resources to do) or if current freshman housing is decreased by closing down some dorms for renovation or allotting more dorm spaces for upperclassman (neither of which I have seen any announcements about them doing). It is true that the last two years UD has not been able to accept any students off the wait list because so many students offered admission decided to attend (not many other major universities had a similar situation). This points to an increasing awareness of the quality of education available at UD. Where did your wife get this information?
Half are in triples this year. If you can, commute. If you can’t, take your chances. But the students are irritated with this arrangement, to say the least, and I doubt they will over admit like this again.