<p>Will it be 1)If you choose which scores to send, we're only taking your best sitting or
2)you send all your scores, then we superscore</p>
<p>Otherwise, Collegeboard wins in their business decision to get those people who even got 2350 and want to keep retaking to get it to be perfect, and then colleges won't know whether they took it 10 times or 2 times. It's purely business, and I think colleges have to counter this attempt by collegeboard to empty people's pockets even more in this bad economy by forcing students to either go with the old way of superscoring all or go with the old one sitting.</p>
<p>colleges should just ask for a full score report… if the student doesn’t comply it is an incomplete application</p>
<p>Ra, admission will generally take the best scores from all scores. The rule of thumb you generally don’t want to retake SAT more than 2 times. And all the tests are reported. They know how many times you have taken SAT.</p>
<p>theres a new policy going into effect for the SAT Calif_Dad… Collegeboard is now allowing students to send in only the scores that they want instead of a full score report… </p>
<p>i think colleges should demand a full score report, we don’t need anymore of that rich get richer crap…</p>