Will colleges see my detentions/deny me admission because of them?

It was really stupid, but I asked to go to the bathroom and then decided to roam around school with a couple of my classmates during one of my elective classes sophomore year, 1st semester. I ended up getting caught by one of the staff members. I had to recount my story of why I skipped class to the counselor (I was crying the whole time), then I had to write an apology letter to my teacher (I’m close to this teacher, so she was pretty forgiving), and I was given lunch detention in the office the next day. It was my first time getting in trouble and I never had detention other than that. Even so, I think it went on my record because I saw the counselor open up something that looked like my student profile, but I’m not entirely sure. However, I learned my lesson and that was the first+last time I wandered. My counselor didn’t know me that well at the time, but we talk nearly everyday now and she knows I’m not a bad student+I just messed up one time. Will colleges see this? I’m currently a junior and its been worrying me a lot lately. I’ve worked really hard and I don’t want to be rejected for something that seemed so minor at the time!

BTW, my parents were never notified of this and have no idea this happened.

I doubt it. They will only see it if your school puts in on your transcript, which again, I doubt that they do. Here’s the good news though - Colleges will not care!!

When colleges ask about disciplinary actions, they are really asking about serious stuff - academic dishonesty, hazing, drug dealing, etc. They do not give a crap if you got a detention for talking on your cell, going to Mickey D’s for lunch, or sneaking a beer into a dance.
