Will declining UC acceptances help waitlisted students?

Hi everyone, a bit of a naive question for you all.

My D has been admitted to UCB, UCD, UCSB, UCSD, and UCSC. The only ones she is considering going to are Berkeley and San Diego, still waiting on UCLA decision. With that being said, also with reading posts here on CC about all the students that have been waitlisted, would it help anything if she would contact Davis, Santa Barbara, and Santa Cruz and decline? I know that these schools admit way more students than they expect to enroll, therefore one person declining doesn’t necessarily mean a spot will open up for someone on the waitlist.

If we can help any of the bright young students that post on this forum, it’s certainly worth looking into.

It can still help I think. I just went on the website and declined their offers. :slight_smile:

Just curious, is your daughter a Regents’ candidate for Berkeley? I didn’t think anybody else knew their admissions decisions yet.

UCSD (and I believe all UC’s) won’t notify WL students until after the deadline to accept admissions offers. If she is sure she will not attend a school she should go ahead and decline- otherwise there is no rush.

@tesstesla‌ Yes, my D is a Regents candidate for UCB. We went to campus a little over a week ago for her to interview with a faculty member.