will I be able to get into any of he ivy sschool?s

<p>I am an Indian apapplicant. Currently taking a gap year
My scores:
9th 75%
10th 94%
11th 85%
12th 96%</p>

<p>Honors and medqls:
Regional finalis. In google science fair.
Represented India in an international art festival.
Medals from the president, chief minister, governor, hrd minister, commissioner.
Sold my idea to one of the reputed Indian two wheelers company... They are currently under production.</p>

<p>Sat scores...
M(800), cr(650), w(790).
Physics(800) math(750) chem(750)</p>

<p>Will I get into any of the ivy schools... Or any other reputed schools?</p>

<p>Possibly. Just remember that there are a lot of applicants that have the same stats as you. Just remember to have backup colleges. </p>

<p>Backup colleges like. What?
And where can I get in in the ivy league?</p>

<p>You have very good test scores, but that 650 in CR could hold you back at any Ivy (except perhaps Cornell); try retaking and shooting for at least a 700. </p>

<p>Basically, it looks like you’re qualified for the Ivies, but because they and other top schools are so selective, there’s no way we can chance you accurately. Also, we don’t know much about your extracurriculars, and that’s a big factor in admissions. </p>

<p>As for backup schools, we can’t really help you with that. There are so many amazing schools around the world, and you should do some research to find ones you like. If you’re looking for “safety schools,” make sure that they have a high acceptance rate and offer great financial aid. </p>

<p>Okay I’ll try throwing some light on my extracurriculars. I am a gadget freak. Naturally I have a great zeal to build somthing. I have shown proven excllence in the same right from my 6th grade. I have won all the scienice fairs in schiol ever since. I have won two nationql awards 2 state awards in the same. I have had the pleasure of being selected as a regional finalist at google science fair.
I also like music and I have been taking vocal music classes from my 8th grade. I was selected to perform at the international cultural exchange program at which I represented my country.
I have no athletic reputation or interest. ( will that hurt?) </p>

<p>Why are you doing a Gap Year?</p>

<p>Some personal valid reasons. Not drugs or anything… Something medical… Hard to explain! More like… Too personal to explain.
Was under depression due to some medical condition that I had. All I can say!</p>

<p>Does this affect my application in a bad way?</p>