Will I be at a disadvantage...

<p>if I didn't taken Calculus in high school. The highest math my school offers is PreCal/Trig. I heard that the majority of the students that attend Notre Dame willl have several AP credits, and most have already had Calculus. </p>

<p>Just how far behind his classmates would a student be if he didn't have any college credit, and his most advanced math course was PreCal/Trig?</p>

<p>Thanks in advance for all yall's help.</p>

<p>You shouldn't be too far behind. Some depends on your major, but you should be able to catchup, no worries.</p>

<p>just take calc 1, you'll be fine. or you can take finite. depends on your major</p>

<p>Yeah, I wouldn't worry about it unless you want to be a math major. I have a lot of friends who are taking calc 1 right now.</p>

<p>Okay, good. I'm planning on Biology major (Pre-Med), so I think Calc 1 is the highest math I need. I just didn't want to get there and have all my peers ahead of me.</p>

<p>Of course, I have to get accepted first, then get enough finaid to attend.</p>