<p>I am currently a junior in high school and so far I have improved since last year. In Sophomore I took 3 honors classes which really burned me down. This Year I am only taking 1 and I am doing a big improvement. In general, I am asking you guys to give me an answer, Am I eligible for a UC college and in specific can I be admitted to UC Davis because thats the college in particular that I want to attend after high school. My high school GPA right now is a 3.22 and after this semester hopefully, it would be a 3.7</p>
<p>Here are the classes that I took so far that are "UC a-g courses". Grades are final semester grades.</p>
<p>8th grade: Spanish 1 B/B
9th grade: Spanish 2 B/B
Algebra 1 A/B
Applied General Science (UC Elective) A/A
World Geography (UC Elective) B/C-
Honors English B/B
P.E. A/A (not UC approved)</p>
<p>10th grade: AVID 10 D/A
World History D/C
Honors Biology C/C
Honors Geometry C/B
Honors English D/C
Weight Training B/B (not UC approved)</p>
<p>Ok as you can see I didnt do so good in World History and in Honors English but I re-took those classes for a better grade at the community college.
(Summer) Sacramento City College World Civilizations Grade:C</p>
<p>After school class English: B-</p>
<p>My current schedule as an 11th grader:
Algebra 2:A
AP English and Composition Writing: C-
U.S. History: A-
Spanish 3:A
<p>Hopefully by the end of may my Chemistry and AP English grade will have improved.</p>
<p>The classes I will take for Senior Year:</p>
<p>AP Literature
AP Spanish (4th year of language)
Pre-Calculus (4th year of Math)
No Science
Goverment/Economics (UC approved elective)
Theater 1 (UC Art class)</p>
<p>After posting all of this, will I be eligible for a UC college and/or UC Davis? My total GPA after Junior year will hopefully be a 3.7. But UC Davis wants a 3.8. But I have exceeded some minimum requirements. I will have exceeded Forein Lanugage requirements, UC Elective, and Math requirements.</p>