So, my question is pretty simple, but I find that I am a bit worried. Will I be taken seriously if I bring my security blanket with me to college? It’s something that I always sleep with, and I’m somewhat embarrassed. Mostly, I use it as a pillow, but since I get homesick easy, I believe it will be best to have it with me.
Should I bring it with me or leave it at home?
Why not? It’s your room. Nobody will see it but your roommate. Plenty of people will be bringing favorite blankets, pillows, and even stuffed animals if they still have them!
It’s fine. lol I’m a college sophomore and I still sleep with my teddy bear (my uncle gave it to me the day I was born). No one cares; i doubt anyone will know but your roommate.
Bring your blanket, nobody will judge you.
Heck, I brought my huge Statue of Liberty/American Backdrop Flag blanket. Mostly cause it was my favorite.
I have two knock off snuggies. You better believed I walked around and wore them nearly every day I could. My roommates teased me, but only lightheartedly. Joke was on them though. They were sometimes cold and I had a sleeved blanket.
You’d be amazed at how many men and women had blankets and stuffed animals (even if they didn’t always admit it). You’ll be fine 
I’m going into my senior year of college and still sleep with a stuffed animal and one of my baby blankets. My roommate also has an old stuffed animal and a baby blanket that she still sleeps with. You’ll be fine.