Will I get accepted as a transfer student for University of Arizona?

Hi all
I just applied to U of A as transfer from CA community college- but I am worried now because I am under 22 and I don’t understand the ABOR course competencies so I have some questions. I have 41 units at my CC and they are all transferable within CA. (2.9 college GPA)

  1. I did not take the science requirements at my CC- (only finished the IGETC science) will that hurt my chance of getting in? I did take science in high school but when I asked the admissions office they said my college transcripts matter more now than HS. On the UofA website it says “3 units/years in HS” or “3-4 credit courses” I don’t have either I am pretty sure and I am confused…

  2. I still had to send in my high school transcripts- but will I still have to complete the ABOR course compentcies even though I have passed the 12 units of college coursework needed? Or if I get in can I just take the courses there they want me to take.

  3. I am confused so any general help on transferring out of state (CA-AZ) will be really helpful!

So… I have 2 years of science on my HS transcript.

You need 3 for ABOR competency… I also have only 1.5 years of spanish.

so are those my 2 defencies?

As I understand it, you are okay as long as you took three lab science courses when you add together high school and college. That’s why they want to see your high school transcript, to make sure you are covering the course requirements in all areas. Rather than calling admissions, you might direct your questions to the transfer admissions officer who handles California. If you want her contact info, you can PM me.

So In high school I took Bio 1/Bio 2

Then I had to move to another town so I took intergrated Science…

then I moved again and took Chem…

But at my CC I took the following science courses:

1- Astronomy 100 (basic background course on astronomy)
2) Astronomy LAB
3) Biology 130

So do you think that will cover it then?
I will also PM you about the transfer admissions officer.


I just PM’ed you her info. As long as you have three lab sciences, and I think they should ideally be in three different areas (but I’m not sure that’s required), you’ll be okay on that requirement.

if anyone else knows please please reply here!