Will I Get Accepted?

<p>Will Purdue accept me? Here are my stats:</p>

<p>SAT- CR: 620 W: 610 Math: 700
Math I Subject Test: 710
Biology Subject Test: 700</p>

<p>Unweighted GPA: 3.4
Weighted GPA: 4.6</p>

<p>Unfortunately, I took all college prep classes my freshman year of high school and got mainly all B's
Sophomore year I took Honors English and U.S. History
Junior year I took Honors English and Chemistry
And as a Senior I am now taking AD Physics, AD English, AD Microeconomics, Honors Pre Calc and General Psychology I at UConn (our high school allows us to take college classes there for free)</p>

<p>Also, I volunteer at the hospital, with the Red Cross, work at a kids camp over the summer, I'm in Model UN, HOSA, Leo Club, I got a Magne Cum Lauda on the National Latin Exam 3 years in a row, I do varsity soccer and track, and I play unified basketball (basketball with the mentally/physically disabled,) I shadow at pharmacist, and probably a few other things I can't think of.</p>

<p>And I've only gotten one C+ ever</p>

<p>Good gpa, good SAT scores (math is exceptionly high), nice classes (is AD like AP or IB?). If the C+ was in an honor classes or gym, worry about it less. You have a good chance imo.</p>

<p>You have a good chance.</p>

<p>Okay thanks, I’m just in panic about my weighted gpa being too low. I also want to go into pharmacy, and I had an A in bio but B+ in chemistry… is that bad?</p>