Will i get into a&m?

Hi, so I am going into my senior year of highchool and want to attend either A&M. Right now I have a 1310 SAT, and 29 ACT. I have a 3.5 GPA and top 22%. If I get a 30 on my ACT, I get into A&M automatically so I’m going to retake it but lets speak as I just have the 29. I also want to do computer engineering so I want to know if I will get into their engineering school. I have had a business internship with the Texas Rangers and a computer science/computer engineering internship with Link 3 Technologies, who work with NASA and the military building stuff along the lines of flight training simulators. I was also in a robotics competition that placed 2nd in the 2017 State BEST robotics compeition. I’m in NHS, key club,science nhs, computer science nhs, a program within our highschool called the STEM academy which only a handful of students in our district got into. I’ve played football, competed in a video production competition called Techonology student associated. competed in a competition called UTA innovation day, i take all pre-ap classes. have taken 3 engineering and 2 computer science classes. have taken govt and econonics at UTA. played football for 2 years before i quit to do internships.have went on multiple mission trips with my church. that’s all i can think of at the moment but im wondering if i will get in. also if i can’t get into engineering school, do you think they’ll offer me blinn team?

If you make a 30 on the ACT, you will need subscores of 27 math and 27 English to be eligible for academic admit. As what is your math sub score on your SAT and ACT?
a review applicant with a 29 SAT, if you are admitted to engineering, you could be offered full admit but are likely to be offered a spot for your first year in Galveston and then if you complete the first year required engineering courses, you will transition to College Station for the remainder of the degree. If you don’t satisfy the first year requirements, you will stay in Galveston until you do, up to four semesters. You could also be offered Blinn Team Engineering, which I think is a great program to ease into A&M, which is harder than any class you have ever taken in AISD. There is a lot of adjustments and engineering is brutal that first year. Lots of stress and tears. But if you can get through it, it gets much better.
Also know that the Entry to a Major process is competitive and you must decide is if you would be ok with another major if you were not competitive enough to get into Computer Engineering.

Apply also to UTDallas and UTArlington as safeties. They admit directly to a major, are really good engineering schools and give merit $. A&M won’t give you any.

my subscores were 28 math, 33 english. I didnt do great on the science section, so i didnt get the 30. When you say would i be okay with another major, do you mean another engineering major? or a totally different major. Bc engineering is what i want to do. My backups are UofH and oklahoma state, bc i want the college experience. id also much rather do blinn team than galveston.

@etylerb11 I meant a different engineering major.
OK State is a great school and the closest to A&M in school spirit. If you have not been to a homecoming, you need to go this Oct. My middle child attended OK State and we have several friends with kids there now.

You won’t have an option to chose the admissions offer A&M gives you. They will offer you one or the other to take it or leave it.

@etylerb11 it appears you are in decent shape to be a review admit but don’t assume anything. try and get that score bumped up to 30. I think worst case scenario would be Blinn Team in College Station which is a great program. take a couple of classes at TAMU and a couple at Blinn. The advantage is that the Blinn classes should be much smaller and it cost less. With a math score of 28 you most likely will be admitted to general engineering. My son is a freshman at the Engineering Academy in Blinn Brenham (this is not the same as Blinn Team Engineering as he is housed in Brenham) I believe to be admitted to the engineering academy you needed at least a 26 on the math so you should be fine. once admitted you will have to take a readiness test for calculus. pass that and you are enrolled in Calc 1. don’t pass it, and you are enrolled in pre-calc. don’t take the test lightly. You will select your major around April your freshman year and will compete for slots. You played football, you understand competition. same applies here. A&M is a top 15 engineering school. those that succeed develop good habits early. Those that don’t…