Will I get into a UC with this many electives?

Next year I am going to be a junior, and I plan on taking mostly electives (art electives). This is because I will be taking my core classes at the local college (dual enrollment). However, even though I am still taking my core classes outside of high school, something just doesn’t sit well with me about taking this many electives. Please keep in mind, my dream school is UC San Diego or UC Santa Cruz.

My course requests for next year consist of:

  • AP English Lang. & Comp.
  • AP Calculus AB
  • AP Studio Art: 2D Design
  • Chamber Choir
  • Digital Arts
  • French 3
  • Speech

At the community college I have/am going to take: US History, Econ, Government, and Chemistry.

Would it be wiser for me to switch to “smarter” electives, i.e. Engineering or Human Body Systems?

Will you have completed all the required a-g courses for the UC’s by end of Senior year. Also how can you take 7 HS courses along with 4 community college courses although I assume 2 dual enrollments per semester? Seems like a pretty heavy workload.

I am taking two in the summer then one per semester. Thank you for your feedback!

what is your current GPA?

Art courses generally count as academic courses for UC. You can check here:


Be sure to complete the rest of the a-g requirements.
