Only 2 APs?

I am currently a senior and I’m worried my course load is too light. I am taking Korean, English, Econ, Pre-Calc, AP Computer Science and AP Computer Science Principles. I am taking AP Art right now, but I feel like it doesn’t have much significance to my future goals especially since it is 3-D art (my comfort zone is 2-D art, but my school only allows me to take 3-D), so I am planning to drop it. This is also because I’m worried 7 classes may be too stressful with all the other things happening senior year.

I have taken 4 APs already (three 5s and one 4). Also, my GPA and SAT are not so great…
Should I just toughen up and take 7 classes so I can have 3 APs or just take 2?
I’m worried that college admissions will think I’m slacking off by taking less than last year.

Also a side note, the dream schools that I’m aiming for are UCI and UCSD in particular

A super hard schedule Sr year won’t really compensate for below avg GPA/SAT. I wouldn’t kill myself if I were you.

What are your other stats?

Based on your other thread and stats, UCSD is definitely a Reach school. UCI is possible, but I would be concerned about maintaining a solid GPA senior year since you are a provisional admit at any school that accepts you. If you get a D or F Senior year, all your hard work may be in vain. I would keep the 2 AP classes, since college applications do require a lot of extra time during the Fall. There is nothing you can do at this point to increase your GPA, so a slightly less rigorous Senior year should not make too much difference.

Have you already met the F requirement? A full year of a graded course in visual or performing arts to get into a UC.

@Gumbymom what is a provisional admit?

@“aunt bea” yes, I completed one year of performing arts freshman year

All colleges will accept you as a provisional admit meaning you need to complete your Senior classes with passing grades and a minimum GPA or your acceptance could be rescinded. CSU’s usually require you pass all your classes with a C or higher and no D’s or F’s. The UC’s want a minimum weighted GPA of 3.0 with no D’s or F’s.