Will I get into UW Madison?

I am just wondering what you guys think about my chances of getting into UW Madison. I live in WI and my parents both went to Madison. I have a 3.95 GPA, but only got a 27 on the ACT. I am Student Council President, in 10+ clubs, a three- sport four-year varsity athlete, and an active leader in my community. I have taken/am taking several CAPP and AP classes. What do you think my chances are of getting in?

Good to excellent.

I agree-good to excellent. However I recommend you apply early (by early I mean at least 1-2 months before the deadline, which I think is Feb. 1). By the way, the fact that your parents are alums will have no bearing. UW does not consider legacy in admissions.

Good chances. You have shown you work hard. Remember that half of the UW students will be below any median and one fourth in the lowest quartile.

UW certainly does consider legacy status. And admission rates clearly reflect that fact. About 20 point (20%) higher admit rate. https://uwmadison.app.box.com/s/a6924b0oncjo12hq7kjzdvl6c4yirjob

I wonder if legacy status really means much as so many with relatives who went to UW likely would get in without that. There is no way of knowing how much impact legacy has because we do not see a breakdown of stats showing how many only got in because of that. I becomes tradition for many high performing Wisconsin families to choose UW, including those who determine so many private schools do not give a better education.

2 out of 3 applicants with legacy are admitted. 2 out of 3 applicant in state are admitted. Is 3.95 an UW GPA? I don’t see why you can’t get in.No guarantee but you have a very good chance. Work on the essay.Or improve your ACT to 29-30 if you are worrying.