Will I get into...?

<p>The following colleges are the ones to which I am applying:
1) University of Michigan (top choice)
2) Penn State University
3) University of Miami
4) Michigan State (safety)</p>

<p>I have a 3.8 UW GPA, 7 honors & 5 AP credits, a 26 on the ACT, and a rather low score on the SAT. I am very involved with band and had many leadership opportunities with band-related activities. Also, I'm involved in Mu Alpha Theta, Beta Club, jazz band, orchestra pit, babysitting, hospital volunteering, and Spanish club. I have strong application essays for the aforementioned schools. I also have a solid letter of reccomendation for the school that requires one (Michigan). What are my chances of getting into these schools?</p>

<p>Do you live in Michigan? If you don't live in Michigan there is no way you're getting into UMich with a 26 ACT.</p>

<p>It might help if we knew your intended (or likely) major. Not all Big Ten schools are created equal.</p>

<p>By the way, I think we can assume that the OP lives in Michigan from looking at the location tag.</p>

<p>Actually, you have a reasonable shot at UM, especially with your GPA, APs, and ECs. Your test scores are a bit subpar for UM though.</p>

<p>I think you are a slight reach for UM even in-state, bc ACT is so low. GPA is avg. Get your ACT score up and you'll be a match though. I think you are matches for the other schools as well.</p>