Will I get my admission Revoked?

<p>I have been accepted under Early Decision for the fall of 2014!! However, my first semester senior year grades were not good. I was taking 6 classes, and 3 of them ended up being Cs. I merely had 3 Cs, 1B, and 2 A-. I am really afraid the University will be upset and revoke my admission? Can anyone clarify when the University actually does revoke admission?</p>

<p>Ouch. UM does revoke admission, unfortunately. I would try to contact the admissions office as soon as possible, not giving excuses but reasons why this happened. Try to be office and not give reasons like my teach doesn’t teach or the tests are too hard. Good luck!</p>

<p>While they can revoke an acceptance, please don’t let the person above me scare you! They will NOT revoke it for having a few C’s! They’d probably only do so if you had straight F’s and/or got suspended/expelled for behavioral problems. I wouldn’t worry!</p>


<p>Do you have any factual basis, or any basis at all, on which to base your reassurance that his/her acceptance won’t be revoked?</p>

<p>You should call the Office of Admission to be sure.</p>

<p>[When</a> Do Colleges Rescind Acceptances? - Ask The Dean](<a href=“http://www.collegeconfidential.com/dean/archives/775.htm]When”>http://www.collegeconfidential.com/dean/archives/775.htm)

<p>From the link:
“Colleges do not like to renege on admission decisions but will do so on occasion. This most typically happens when a student’s grades drop significantly after the student is admitted. In other words, if an A student suffers a bout of senioritis and drops to a B average, it’s not a deal-breaker. But if grades plummet to C’s and D’s (or worse), it can be.”</p>

<p>I’m assuming given that bswany got admitted ED that he/she probably had a pretty decent GPA. And I would guess that 3 C’s fits under the “If grades plummet” clause in the linked article. But presumably bswany is also smart enough to know not to take the advice of just anyone who has a CC screen name. ?Maybe ask your high school college counselor?</p>

<p>My GPA coming into this year was a 3.75 weighted, and a 3.48 unweighted. I asked my counselor and she said I should write a letter explaining what happened, and to say I am going to have a much better second semester, especially because I am taking 4 classes this semester with less of a work load. I had a very hard schedule last semester, and I just did not put in the time needed to succeed.</p>

<p>3 C’s is on the edge–I would contact the college… Probably you are fine, but best to preempt it having to ask, and do get those C’s up to B’s, at least 2 of them. I don’t know about this school, but I know of people who have been revoked (probably with worse circumstances).</p>

<p>I would call the school to be sure but I think you will be fine. From personal experience…My DS is a freshman at UM and had SERIOUS senioritis last year. He dropped 5 points each quarter in senior year. I didn’t sleep but of course he did, like a baby. Kept telling me it was “fine”. Lucky for him, he was right. I’m finally sleeping again</p>