
<p>Does any body know what one needs to maintain after being accepted. How big of a grade dip is acceptable? </p>

<p>And on the bottom of your UM acceptance letter does it say, " xxxxxx, please not that: your formal acceptance to UM is pending our receipt and review of an official copy of your final high school transcript with date of graduation." ?</p>

<p>How big of a “grade dip” are we talking about?</p>

<p>Two "C"s in tough courses will probably be overlooked; a “D” is going to need explaining for sure. More than one “D” and you’re probably in the “begging for mercy” neighborhood.</p>

<p>If I remember correctly, all school acceptances can be rescinded by any school and they all say they will look at the final transcript. This warning is not exclusive to Miami.</p>

<p>You will not get rescinded as long as you don’t fail any courses. and even if you fail one or two you still prob wont get rescinded</p>

<p>I’m freaking out about this. I have As and Bs in all my classes except for math, I have a D+ in it. And I’m so worried because its not senioritis, I genuinely don’t understand that class at all and I’m trying so hard. I don’t know what I would do if I get revoked.</p>

<p>You won’t be revoked. </p>

<p>If anything, they’ll ask you about it and you can tel them it was difficult, and if you need the course in college you’ll retake it.</p>

<p>If you are a math or engineering major, they may ask, otherwise, they likely will not care.</p>

<p>Yea, thinking in the big picture…you have all As and Bs with one bad grade. Most kids drop to mostly Cs who have senioritis. But it wouldn’t hurt to call the admissions office and tell them your situation. I was in danger of losing credit for my 1st period class because of tardies, so I called Miami. When I told them I had a C in CP Physics, they didn’t care whether I would get high school credit or not (since I did not need it to graduate).</p>

<p>Can you get a tutor or some help with this class subject matter? I think it is most important that you learn the material. If you fall behind now, it will make college harder for you.</p>

<p>My major is journalism, pretty far from math so someone told me that it would be a worse situation if I were majoring in something that required math. I just don’t want a tutor because I feel like with 3 months left of school its a waste of money, but I guess it will come to that.</p>

<p>no don’t get a tutor, especially if you’re a journalism major. don’t worry about it.</p>

<p>Do not get a tutor. It’s a waste of time and money. Spend a couple hours with MIT opencourseware (they have detailed lectures and practice questions for every math subject imaginable) and double check your answers with wolframalpha.</p>