Will I get Rescinded from GVSU

<p>Hi there so I was accepted to Grand Valley State Univeristy's Business school and given a $12,000 scholarship. My GPA was a 3.2 accumulative with many honors and AP classes. My GPA first semester of senior year was a 3.6 but second semester I fell off.
Here are my grades:
Accounting-F (I was suspended from school for 10 days and got very far behind and then gave up)
Algebra Formal Topics- B
Sociology of Gender-B
AP Psycholody-B (counts as an A though)
Yearbook- A
Points of View-B
Pre-Calc- Passing (took pass/fail so I believe counts as an A to the GPA)</p>

<p>Do you think my scholarship, or acceptance will be rescinded because of my grade in accounting. Please help because Im freaking out right now. What can I do other than fixing the grade to assure I wont be rescinded.

<p>If you could somehow raise the F to a D I think you would be fine. Otherwise, they might ask about it but I don’t think they would rescind you.</p>