I just got accepted to davis as a comp sci, letters and sciences major (non-impacted). I dropped assembly with a “w” because it was a semester class and i go to a quarter system school, so the semester class coincided with my spring quarter classes. I can re-take a similar class at my usual cc over the summer. In addition, i was unable to get 2 classes this spring quarter (linear algebra and 3rd quarter chem). If I’m missing these 3 pre-reqs, will my admission get rescinded?
I already sent an update of my coursework, but I’m basically just super worried. Does anybody know of something similar happening to another person? I’ve looked over the UCD admit threads and saw ppl in my major get accepted even though they are missing pre-reqs.
I’m in the same situation. I got admitted to UCD but recently dropped a Calc class that I was taking this semester. I’m going to see a UC transfer adviser on Wednesday but until then I’ll tell you what I know from other people’s experiences.
First off, if you won’t have at least 60 units done by the end of spring, then you will get rescinded. However, let’s assume you will have more than 60. From what I’ve read, if your major is impacted and there’s lots of competition for other students to get in to that major, then you face the possibility of getting rescinded. Most of the cases I’ve read of students getting rescinded were from Berkeley or LA so let’s hope that UCD is a bit more lenient. Also, your chances are better since you updated them after you’ve already been accepted, so they’re more willing to work with you and look for alternative solutions.
Good luck to us both, I really want to go to UCD as well. I hope I helped you out a bit. If I remember, I’ll return to this thread and let you know what my UCD transfer adviser said.
@mariamx actually my major isn’t impacted! CSE (computer science engineering) is impacted at davis, but CS (just computer science) isn’t. I also will have enough units done by the end of spring 
So, my brother talked to his friend who used to be an admissions officer at Davis up until very recently. This is what she had to say in light of my situation:
“Luckily what I can tell you is a W on a transcript will not ever hurt her chances of admission to Davis. They literally ignore them and act as if the student never took the class at all. So if she is told she can withdraw and she gets a W later on there’s not at all an issue with admission.”
She went onto say that:
“Prereqs for majors on assist are unlikely to affect her admission though. So if it’s CS in L&S versus engineering, I wouldn’t worry. But it’s better to let the admissions dept tell you for sure. The reason I say that is because if they are overenrolled, they look for any excuse to rescind/revoke an offer. That’s rare but because I don’t work there anymore, I’d hate to say it’ll be fine if there’s a 5% chance it won’t be, you know? As long as she meets GPA and unit requirements. And general admission, which I assume she will (quantitative reasoning and this sorts of things listed on the transfer admission page), she’ll be okay”
Looks like we just need to wait it out.
Ah I sure hope so! Let me know what ends up happening with you, we might run into each other at UCD after all 
@mariamx i just noticed that my credit course summary changed. it has all of the info that i put when i updated, but i still can’t update again because it says its still processing. is it the same for you?
No my credit course summary hasn’t changed yet & the update is still processing. I just submitted my update yesterday so maybe that’s why.
@epitome95 Ok so they just e-mailed me back. This is what they said:
We have carefully reviewed your recently submitted academic records and we thank you for
updating us about your change with MATH 1A.
Remember: Your final official transcripts must be received by July 1 and exam results
received by July 15 in order for us to verify and finalize your academic record.
So my status still says admitted. Guess I wasn’t rescinded then? How’d things go for you?
Yes looks like you’re good for now
I’m happy for you. Only very few get rescinded, I believe 30 were last year.
@mariamx yeah! got the same email & called, everything’s good to go.
@epitome95 Awesome! Glad to hear everything worked out for the both of us! 
Cheers to both of you! It’s awesome to see the excitement. Doesn’t matter where everyone is headed, we are all headed somewhere great! All of our hard work has paid off. No way one class is going to change that!