Will I have to retake classes in college that I took for AP during HS?

I was looking at emory’s ap chart which lists the ap scores you need to obtain college credit. I got a 4 on my ap world history exam; does this mean that I’ll have to retake it at emory since according to their chart, they’ll only accept 5’s for ap world history for college credit. It seems pretty straight-forward, but I just want to make sure I’m not missing anything.

The answer will be different for every college. If your AP score is below the threshold of what Emory accepts then you have your answer.

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It differs by school, but if Emory states that, then it seems pretty straightforward to me. But you don’t necessarily have to retake World History depending on your major.


You would only have to retake the class if it is required as part of a school’s core curriculum, your major/minor or a prerequisite to a class you want to take. You may find that World History doesn’t meet any of these categories for you, in which case you wouldn’t have to retake it. A lot of time when schools give AP credit, it’s just general elective credit so not receiving credit for a particular class might not have much effect.

ETA - Emory has a chart that says it only accepts World History for elective credit unless you major or minor in history.


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