Will I make ELC?

<p>I know it’s entirely dependent upon what school you go to. I go to a somewhat competitive school where the top 5% of students have GPAs of 4.3 and above (This school is moderately challenging. The students in this group get 5’s on all of their AP tests and have SAT scores of at least 2200 each.), whereas the other 95% have GPAs around 3.0 and below. Due to my abysmal lack of extra curriculars, I’m hoping to be accepted into the ELC program. My school ranks based upon unweighted GPA (Freshman through Junior year) and I’m 16 / 522. I know this meets the requirements for application to the ELC program. </p>

<p>However, my unofficial, unused, unweighted GPA rank for Junior through Senior year is 1 / 552 tied with several others with unweighted 4.0s.</p>

<p>Now as far as admittance to the ELC program goes, I have a 4.5 weighted UC ELC GPA from Sophomore year to Junior year. I don’t know how this compares to the other students in my school…</p>

<p>I know it’s impossible to say for certain, but do you think I have a chance at being ELC?</p>

<p>[Submission</a> Information](<a href=“http://www.ucop.edu/sas/elc/requirementsinfo.html]Submission”>http://www.ucop.edu/sas/elc/requirementsinfo.html)</p>

<p>hope that helps!</p>