Will my offer get revoked?

<p>I recently received an offer from the university of Illinois at Urbana-champaign as an undecided major and I just finished my ib exams, the majority of the exams went well but I think I have a pretty good chance of failing my HL Maths exam (with a grade 2 out of 7) I think my exam grades will be similar to my predicted grade but with a fail in Maths and will therefore not recieve my IB Diploma. Will UIUC revoke my offer because of this?</p>

<p>Probably not. IBs are fundamentally very similar to APs and occupy the function of placing you in higher-level classes, and you won’t get rescinded for lousy AP scores.</p>

<p>You are unlikely to be rescinded under those circumstances assuming you pass the high school class (not the IB exam, but the class you take to prep you for it). I’d say that at the very worst you might be placed on academic probation upon entrance or be asked to explain the grade. </p>

<p>Don’t worry, just make sure you’re keeping all of your other grades up.</p>