Will not taking AP hurt my college resume?


<p>I'm a sophomore now taking mostly "Honors" and one AP course at the moment. I take Honors English but is not my strong suit and even though I have an A in the class I don't think my writing skills are up to par. </p>

<p>My dilemma comes from the fact that next year my school is phasing out the Honors program, replacing it with a choice between AP and Standard. I don't think that I could achieve an A (but likely a B) in the difficultly level of AP English 3, but standard is incredibly, mind dumbingly easy that an A is guaranteed but I will gain no skills for the future.</p>

<p>Will taking standard look like I am being lazy? Will this affect hoe colleges look at me? What do you recommended? Any advice will be appreciated!</p>


<p>Take AP. Just do it.</p>

<p>Take AP. Just do it.</p>

<p>Take AP. Just do it.</p>

<p>^ didnotevensmirk/10</p>