Will the UC's deny my application if I send my SAT II scores late?

<p>I applied to the Fall Quarter 2009 semester and the deadline is December 2008. However, I am thinking that if I change my application to the Winter 2010 term maybe I can take another set of SAT subject scores.</p>

<p>The reason why I am asking is because I just took my SAT II today and I am really not confident with my Math II test. I just moved to the States from the Philippines and since I am still waiting for my visa I am not allowed to go to school yet so I was not able to take Pre-Calculus. I decided to take the Math II because I figured that Math is universal and that it would be easier for me to study formulas. Unfortunately, this wasnt the case and I answered only half of the test. </p>

<p>My SAT I score wasnt that hot either, haha. I seem to have an allergy to the test. :P</p>

<p>You'll have to reapply to the UCs for a new term. Otherwise, make sure you send all your scores by the deadline.</p>