Will these ECs be sufficient?

<p>So I'm a rising junior and I was wondering how these extra curriculars will stack up at colleges like Northwestern, Michigan, Notre Dame, etc. assuming I get 2200+ on the SATs have good grades taking the most challenging courses at my hs?</p>

<p>Marching Band - Field Commander 11, 12
Various Area Honor Bands 9-12
Clarinet Lessons 9-12
Piano Lessons 9-12
Newspaper – Section Editor 9-12
Hoby Ambassador
Class Cabinet - 9, 11, 12</p>

<p>I do plan on doing some volunteer work...do you have some suggestions of some things to do volunteer wise? </p>

<p>Also, would it help to start a model united nations team at my school? We don't have one and I was wondering if it would be a waste of my time to try to start one this school year.</p>
